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#Tiyambuke – “Apostle Pride Sibiya, a visionary and missionary…”

After 20 years in God’s ministry, Apostle Pride Sibiya has become a legend. With some people giving up after a while, the servant of God ...

After 20 years in God’s ministry, Apostle Pride Sibiya has become a legend. With some people giving up after a while, the servant of God has endured for two decades. And this year during Tiyambuke International Christian Convention (TICC), he will celebrate two decades in ministry. 
Derick Matsengarwodzi (DM) sought the insight of one of the original members of Glory Ministries on how he can best describe the servant of God. Elder Verengai Zano (VZ) was the ministry’s first armour bearer. 

Below are the excerpts.    

DM: Can you please tell us about your early days in Glory Ministries. How did you join the ministry?

VZ: I actually joined the ministry on 17 November, 2002. Apostle Sibiya had preached at our school in Chitungwiza. Though we were few at first, our early days were characterised by prayer.

DM: What has really changed from the early days in Glory Ministries?

EZ: We have experienced numerical growth. Back then, we were less than 10 – now we are talking about thousands of members. We are now more professional compared to the early days.

DM: Can you describe Apostle Pride Sibiya as a person and a servant of God?

VZ: He is a rare combination of two qualities – and you rarely find people with those characteristics. He is a visionary and a missionary. He can project the future. He is a realistic strategist in order to accomplish visions. He has a vision to emancipate and empower masses to stand on their own. He loves people by the way he acts.

DM: Apostle Sibiya celebrates 20 years in ministry and 14 years for the ministry. Share us your feelings on these developments?  

EZ: We have accomplished a lot in terms of numbers and resources. I had no vision beyond living when I met him but he made me a better person with a vision. I was coming from a life of sin. I am now a strategist. 

DM: As a leader, can you share what your father has taught you. How would like Apostle Sibiya to be remembered?

VZ: He invests in human capital. He once gave me ownership of his library. He invests in human resource, just like when Jesus trained His disciples before he left them. We must enhance and empower others for the future, just like what Apostle Sibiya has done.

Derick Matsengarwodzi is a communication consultant and founder of The Aloe Media – a communications entity. An ardent researcher and media devotee – interact with him through Facebook or email: Also on: or


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