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#Tiyambuke – Glory Ministries influencing remote locations

By Derick Matsengarwodzi   Glory Ministries is gradually ascertaining a permanent presence in remote parts of Zimbabwe. In accor...

By Derick Matsengarwodzi
Glory Ministries is gradually ascertaining a permanent presence in remote parts of Zimbabwe.

In accord with their mandate to manifest God’s glory on earth, the ministry is taking a firm foothold on rural and mining locations. With assemblies in distant areas of Chakari, Chipinge, Chirimamhunga, Mvurachena and Ngezi – its presence is surely uplifting God’s existence.   

The recent healing and deliverance crusade attracted a daily attendance of 2 000 people, while many offered their souls to Christ – and many more delivered from spiritual spouses – and healed from assorted alignments. Today, Glory Ministries is the third largest church in Chakari under the leadership of Evangelist Makumbi. The once flourishing gold mining town, once subjugated by Nyau culture has been outdone by mine closures and the word of God has become a definite priority.

Gold mining is now reserved to gold panners – scavenging the earths’ belly for surplus of the prized mineral. A touching story is of a family that travelled 25 kilometres for an all-night prayer during one Friday. On Saturday morning, they left for their home and returned for the Sunday service. Many had been set on a road of despair but the word of God is certainly revived their status especially with this year’s theme of Mega Prosperity.

Located in the ambience of Seke rural villages – a primarily market gardening area, Chirimamhunga assembly – located in Juma village is growing in stature and influence in an area once dominated by apostolic sects. Comprised of mainly an energetic and staunch collection of youths plus a supportive mature flock, the gathering was launched in 2012 under the leadership of Pastor Mavis Daka. The congregation is multiplying steadily with membership drawn chiefly from the adjoining villages. 

Once-famed for its agricultural exploits and a multi-ethnic community, Mvurachena an assembly located just outside Chitungwiza has transformed the farming community.

“It came into existence when Pastor Kuda Masiyenyama and Brother N. Kadya were released by Apostle Pride Sibiya to minister in the area in 2013. The assembly began with 15 members utilising one of the member’s residence as their assembly place,” noted Pastor Masiyenyama.
In 2014 they expanded their influence to Koala Park – and in 2015 they acquired a church stand. The multi lingual community has opened other avenues for street ministry and easier outreach in the community.      

The both industrious and rich platinum area of Ngezi is a melting pot of prostitution and rampant substance abuse due to relatively high income brackets. According to Mr Juma, “the area has a high delinquency and promiscuous challenges, coupled with rampant alcohol abuse and entrenched cultural beliefs. At the moment the assembly convene at my company residence as a prayer point.”

A recently-concluded crusade within the community was an awakening evangelistic process in a society enclosed by rural areas which supply much of the workforce. Under Dawn Ministers, the Glory Ministries evangelism arm – more crusades are planned in order to reach more souls in distant locations of Zimbabwe to broadcast God’s salvation. – Tinzwei
For more information on evangelism and crusades, please contact Evangelist Brighton Madziro on: + 263 773 819 942.   

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