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Prophet Blessing Chiza: “Our Present Day Biblical Saul to Paul Story”

Once upon a while, he was a mob boss terrorising his ghetto – similarly to the biblical Saul. Then, he earned himself the notorious moniker,...

Once upon a while, he was a mob boss terrorising his ghetto – similarly to the biblical Saul. Then, he earned himself the notorious moniker, ‘Papa Mabhule’. 

But like Saul, who later became Paul, he encountered God’s grace along the way. He has been labelled as, “The Soccer Prophet” amongst other dire titles. Regardless of all the futile attempts, he still nestles a vision to transform nations. 

The rousing chronicles of Prophet Blessing Chiza originates from Harare – within the dusty Chizhanje high density of Old Mabvuku. But by God’s will, he defied the devils’ willpower to live a life of excellence and purity.

During the yearly Tiyambuke International Christian Convention (TICC), in 2012, he noted that, “I only open my zip for two things – one when I go to the toilet and for my wife only…”
Throughout his childhood, he encountered various accidents plus recurrent illnesses – signalling his calling. Often, he was revived by prayer or hospitalisation. The birth of Prophet Blessing had curious connotations – as it dawned after the loss of other family siblings.

The moulding of a legend

Even after an evangelist prophesied that he would be a father of nations, the delinquency within him then, always reigned supreme due to peer pressure, though his family instilled Christian virtues,

During the 1990’s at a certain conference, Prophet Chiza witnessed a vision of a massive angel, in form of an eagle, appearing from heaven in front of him, with stretched legs and landed on the roof. He was surprised. This spiritual vision ushered the divine establishment of Eagle Life Assembly’s history and teachings.

The servant of God’s ministry work further intensified in Kwekwe while he was studying at a local college – influencing many students along the way. He later became chairperson of all Christian Unions in Zimbabwe – Fellowship of Christian Unions of Colleges in Zimbabwe (FOCUS).

A wife from God
Prophet Chiza refers to his wife, Prophetess Tendai Tatiana Chiza as his “prophetess, councillor and intercessor, and best friend who is his source of strength and support through good and bad times.” The two met in Kwekwe, where she was an active scripture union member. 

When the couple initially met, they knew less about their future. In 1999, while praying for a wife the Lord revealed Tendai to him. Subsequently, he started searching for her – not sure where to commence. For four consecutive months, the hunt for his love was on. Finally, he got her address through a colleague. The two initiated friendly communiqués through letters. 

Prophet Chiza would fast for 70 days before he proposed to her in 2000. His wish had also been communicated to her by God. Their marriage officiated by Archbishop Asa Gurupira occurred in December 2001. Today, the pair shares a passion for outreach programmes.

Overcoming barriers
As the Lord was already using him in ministering to others, he prayed for people, including HIV/AIDS patients. In 2011 he was ordained as a Prophet by Archbishop Gurupira – his spiritual father. Since then, he has been mentored and shepherded by the legendary Archbishop – while his prophetic office has been confirmed by diverse God’s servants.
The visionary Prophet strongly believes that tribe, language or culture is not significant – “everyone is the same in God’s eyes.”

Prophet Blessing Chiza: “Our Present Day Biblical Saul to Paul”   

This is testimony, after the Lord assigned him to open a church in Bulawayo – a predominantly Ndebele-speaking locality. At that instance, he had been elevated to an Assistant Accountant within a local bank, plus a mansion in a plush suburb, among other perks. 

Naturally, he resisted the command but countless misfortunes, including a near-fatal accident in which he escaped miraculously pursued him. The word was repeated to him. On this occasion, obeying God’s mandate, he left everything and began a new life in a “foreign territory”.
On their way to Bulawayo, Prophet Chiza lost all his educational certificates. Until this day, he never recovered them. Secondly, their property was totally damaged. The certificates were lost because “the Lord wanted him to focus on his ministry,” this was revealed during prayer. For a year, the couple endured a pitiable living with only one member in their church. That was not all.

After seven years of marriage, they were still childless, even though the Lord had “assured them of offspring later.” The pair started preaching in the streets – and later launched an assembly in Old Luveve. At this juncture, Joshaviah Jorai Chiza, their first child was born.

The eagle has landed
Eagle Life Assembly came into being on the 2nd of January 2011. Why the eagle? An eagle is a prophetic bird – and it fulfilled his earlier spiritual visions. Initially, they were four. Gradually, their street ministry recruited extra membership – and they relocated to a spacious venue. 

Their subsequent move to an expensive venue resulted in loss of membership opposed to the action. Prophet Chiza was later shown their current location in Thorn Groove – still more followers deserted him anxious about the costs.

Through God’s grace, the property owner rented it to them for free for the first three months - and further reduced the rentals. Today, he commands one of the fast-expanding churches in the country. A speaker on various platforms, the emphatic Prophet will grace TICC, 2015, christened Footprints of the Legends alongside his own spiritual father. 

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