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“I spend time reading books on business management” – Strive Masiyiwa

HARARE – Strive Masiyiwa has conceded that, the sole way to prosper in business is through reading and working smart. He mentioned this is h...

HARARE – Strive Masiyiwa has conceded that, the sole way to prosper in business is through reading and working smart. He mentioned this is his article on Modern Management.

Words by Derick Matsengarwodzi: media consultant, author of forthcoming books (The Winners’ Workshop and Death is not Dearth) and founder of Aloe Media Group. Let us interact on: Facebook; Email:; Twitter handle: @TinzweiDerick or Blog: Tinzwei

Even after being in business for three decades, he is constantly searching for new methods to improve.

He traces a story of a late African entrepreneur.

Recipe of failure

“I once visited an elderly gentleman who ran one of the most successful supermarkets in my home town. Everyone knew him to be ‘very rich.’ He invited me to his office to watch him at work this was a rare privilege. He allowed me to ask questions which he answered slowly and carefully.”

During their encounter, the businessman constantly said, “You must work very hard,” adding, “I'm here to open the shop every day, seven days a week.” He vacated the shop after 11 pm, all. “I do it myself. I don't trust anyone.”

“I spend time reading books on business management” – Strive Masiyiwa
The man was a workaholic. “I don't do holidays. That is for employed people.”

In addition, he was scared to expand because – he could only be in one place at a time. “I tried it once and they stole from me.”

And upon revelation that an American running a similar business was successful but doing it differently, he quipped.

“I wish I had gone to school and learnt these modern management techniques that you talk about. We have to learn these things otherwise we will just end up running small things. I never went to school, but I yearn to learn these things, only now I'm too old.”

Work smart

His business had potential if he was armed with the modern tools of management, according to the Ebola volunteer. At his death, his sons inherited the business and bankrupted it – an anomaly claiming numerous entities.

Sadly, the story is not isolated.

“There are a lot of people like him. They work very hard, and many long hours. No one taught them of modern, productive and profitable management tools. You still have to work hard, but not that hard. Just be smart, and learn the tools of modern management.

Always learn

Strive Masiyiwa always learns.

“After 29 years in business, I still spend a lot of time reading business management books and articles. I try to learn new techniques that can make me sharper and more productive. It is a continuous process, which should never stop.”

“I spend time reading books on business management” – Strive Masiyiwa

Prospective businesspersons must learn numbers, he urges.

“It's a business management technique whereby you do not start a business without first developing a business plan with well-researched marketing and financial projections, develop budgets – and adhere to them. Use the data to drive your decision making.” – The Aloe News

• This text cannot be reproduced without prior consultation with the author.

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