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'President Mugabe Sick, Tsvangirai Broke And Mujuru…': Propaganda Silly Season Nigh

HARARE – Journalism is a career of firsts – a scoop in the journalistic jargon. Contrary, gutter journalism has been qualified as truth. B...

HARARE – Journalism is a career of firsts – a scoop in the journalistic jargon. Contrary, gutter journalism has been qualified as truth.


For those who are religious news followers, the above heading has been repeated too often to warrant a scoop.

President Robert Mugabe 'has died and risen many times'. Morgan Tsvangirai is always with a 'new woman', while Joice Mujuru is a 'darling of sangomas' - that is according to the media.

And if these rumours were genuine, the aforementioned characters would have been extinct by now.

Eureka, Morgan Tsvangirai is now broke – ‘a victim of sanctions he invited’.

But for the media concise, when these headlines surface, most probably an election is lurking or the propaganda machinery has blown its valves once more.

‘Tsvangirai The Womaniser’
We are convinced you have heard this statement often for it to warrant: breaking news. So, what is new or its significance? Nothing really, except that rumours of the MDC leader forging a collation has irked the rank and file.
The Romour Mill Is Now In Full Throttle 

This statement is directed to kill off his support plus confidence because no one wants to be affiliated with a broke leader, financially or morally. For the record, there are more morally broke individuals running the show.

A while back, former finance minister Tendai Biti said treasury was left with a mere $200 in its coffers. Yes, they trampled on him for the revelation. The country is struggling to meet its myriad financial obligations. 

By being broke, it shows the former prime minister is human as well – and he is reflecting the true colours of the Zimbabwe economy. He can easily identify with the common men.

Some will argue he deserves the derision since he championed for sanctions on Zimbabwe.

All the same, was the deduction meant to sympathise, educate or humiliate. A recent carton depiction the opposition leader auctioning his body added humour to the story.
Media Owners And Journalist Need To Be Factual In Their Business 

However, being broke can mean more besides financial status. It can extend to morals and even ideas.

If that is the case, many will be found offside.

‘Mysterious Disease’
The independent media has spent acres of space trying to play God neglecting their need for salvation in journalism ethics.

Whenever President Mugabe visits a foreign base, we are pestered with news that he has gone for treatment, yet he has notified the nation of his cataract problem.

In their eyes, the president has died many deaths even as he lives. As you read, President Mugabe is 'reported to have suffered a heart attack', a story that was picked by the media in a flash.

But alas, its the same old 'journalists' on the loose, searching for any news maggots to qualify as news.
A News Website Lied That President Mugabe Had Collapsed 

These reporters are probably on rumour steroids. What is their agenda then? Seeking despondency and mayhem, we may conclude.

Even after the 'scoop' has been officially dismissed, the publications are yet to offer an apology - stating that they had an agenda already.

If they speculate on the disease, then their intentions can only be to induce despondency as they play the Creator role.

Instead of wishing their leader well, they are already clandestinely penning obituaries. How has our African culture depreciated to admonish our elderly and publicly wishing death upon another?

A lot has been divulged on the former vice president, Dr Joice Mujuru.
More 'Lies Have Been Woven Using Joice Mujuru's Name'

For humility or lack of it, she chose to be silent or respond with full-page advertorials in the private press.

While she remains innocent until proven otherwise, she has been a subject of a propaganda overdrive that is in full motion. In keeping quit whose agenda is she safeguarding? 

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