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9 Ways You Can Get Smooth Skin That Won't Need Makeup

Want to get smooth skin without having to pile on too much makeup? It's really, really possible, but you'll have to take extra care...

Want to get smooth skin without having to pile on too much makeup? It's really, really possible, but you'll have to take extra care of your skin daily. 

In fact, doing so will not only eventually give you better, more flawless skin, you also won't have to apply too much makeup when you decide to do so, making getting ready a lot easier and faster! 

So to help you get the skin of your dreams, that won't require daily makeup, we suggest you follow these easy steps below.

Get lots and lots of sleep
Make sure to get enough sleep night after night, especially on extra long days. This way your skin also gets the proper rest and relaxation it needs.
Water Will Hydrate Your Skin 

Never sleep with makeup on. Ever
Always, always remove your makeup before going to bed. This one is a non-negotiable! Feeling lazy? Just grab those makeup wipes and rub it gently all over your face. 

Leaving makeup on overnight will give you blemishes as well as clog or enlarge your pores, which leads to oily skin.

Take it easy on the sweets
Eating too much sugar can cause bloating, inflammation (redness), and can easily trigger acne. So try to cut back on the sweets for better, smoother skin.

Exfoliate regularly
Make sure to exfoliate at least once a week to get rid of dead skin cells. This habit will definitely help give you fresh, glowing skin.

Wear SPF every single day
Whether you're planning to say indoors or outdoors, just make sure to apply SPF every day to not only protect you from getting burned, but also from all the harmful effects of the sun.

Moisturise daily
In order to have great skin, you need to keep your skin hydrated all day, every day. And moisturizer will be your best friend for this!
Never Sleep With Your Makeup 

Commit to a day-and-night skin regimen
Know your specific skin type and stick to a regimen that works best for you! This way you not only deal with any skin problems you might have, but it can also guarantee you achieve the smooth skin you've always wanted.

Drink tons of water
Hydrate your skin from within by drinking a lot of water throughout the day, daily!

Leave your zits alone
It can get really tempting to touch and pop your pimples but doing so will only aggravate the situation by allowing for more bacteria to enter your skin, as well as possibly leaving behind a scar from popping it. 

So just leave it alone and let your spot treatment do its job. - Online Sources 

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