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Barcelona Star Neymar To Appear In Spanish Court For Fraud

Neymer has been ordered to appear in court next month for fraud relating to the superstar’s move to Barcelona from Santos in the summer of ...

Neymer has been ordered to appear in court next month for fraud relating to the superstar’s move to Barcelona from Santos in the summer of 2013.

Brazilian investment fund DIS is claiming it should have received a higher percentage of the payment that Barcelona paid Santos for the player.
Neymer Has Been Summoned To Appear In A Spanish Court 

DIS, which held 40 per cent of Neymar’s sports rights when he was in Brazil, claims it only received that percentage for £12.8 million that Santos were allegedly paid when, according to investigations, the deal cost £62m.

The defendants — which include Barca president Josep Maria Bartomeu and former chief Sandro Rosell — went behind the fund’s back to sign a deal with the Spanish club.

Neymar is also involved in an investigation into alleged tax fraud, with Barcelona making a payment of almost £9.75m to the Spanish authorities in order to cover what they described as a difference in “interpretation”.
Neymer Is 'Sick And Tired Of Accusations' 

The case is based on the investigating judge’s allegation that Barcelona’s claim to have paid Santos £12.8m and £30m to the company run by Neymar’s father was wrong.

Neymar claims he is “sick and tired” of accusations his family improperly profited from his transfer and said there was “nothing illegal” in his contract.

Bartomeu and Rosell — who have both denied the charges — could face prison sentences if found guilty, while prosecutors also want the club to face a fine of £16.65m. - The Sun

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