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How To Read A WhatsApp Message Without The Sender Knowing

Quick, it's time to start ignoring friends without any backlash. We've all been there, eagerly awaiting a reply to a WhatsApp mes...

Quick, it's time to start ignoring friends without any backlash.

We've all been there, eagerly awaiting a reply to a WhatsApp message from a friend, partner or hopeful love interest and… nothing.

What's worse is that we know they've read it – the dream-killing double blue ticks tell us so. So why no reply?! Arrrgh, our lives are over – it's like being put on the Facebook limbo list of instant messaging.

Well, there is a way to avoid these awkward and all too obvious snubs – you can read a message without WhatsApp stabbing you in the back and reporting your up-to-date ways.

'How?' we hear to cry in classic friend-snubbing fashion?

Well, it's surprisingly easy, if not a little laborious.
Now You Can Safely Read A WhatsApp Message And The Sender Does Not Know 

Next time you receive a message you're not sure you want to reply to – be it a date request, a 'where is this relationship going?' question or a wildly inappropriate nude selfie – simply switch your phone to flight safe mode before reading the message.

You can now read away without the sender knowing what you're up to. The message will simply show as unread. 

You can even turn flight mode off again (as long as you're out of the message) without your treacherous ways being revealed. Quick, it's time to start ignoring messages without any unwanted backlash.​ - Online Sources 

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