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'ISIS Chief Abruptly Cancels Meeting with Sean Penn': A Hoax

A weekend story by an American publication alleging a meeting between actor Sean Penn and ISIS leader was a hoax.  The story read. Abu B...

A weekend story by an American publication alleging a meeting between actor Sean Penn and ISIS leader was a hoax. 

The story read.

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the terror group known as ISIS, has cancelled a long awaited meeting with the actor Sean Penn, a spokesman for the group announced on Sunday.

Sean Penn 

The spokesman gave no reason for the abrupt cancellation, but said that al-Baghdadi no longer felt that meeting with Penn would be “prudent.”

A publicist for the film actor said that he was “disappointed” by the sudden termination of his appointment with the ISIS chief, and noted that Penn had gotten himself outfitted in brand new desert-camo attire in preparation for the meeting.

Abu Bakr al Baghdadi 

For his part, the ISIS spokesman said that al-Baghdadi hoped that Penn would harbor “no hard feelings” toward him, and emphasized that he remained an “enormous fan” of the actor.

“Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi loves all of Sean’s films, even that one he did with Madonna,” the spokesman said. - Online Sources 

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