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'My Stolen Bible Will Lead Thugs To God' - Pastor

While most of us would angrily curse the men who robbed us, one man is going about his business blessing his attackers. He is a man of God...

While most of us would angrily curse the men who robbed us, one man is going about his business blessing his attackers.

He is a man of God whose faith leads him to believe that the Lord works in miraculous ways.

Pastor Collen Mokodeli of the Enlightened Christian Gathering in Mamelodi, Tshwane said he holds no grudges against his attackers. Instead he believes their loot from the attack will lead them to God.

On Thursday night Collen was walking home from a church service when he felt a hard knock on his head.

“Before I knew it I was lying dizzy on the ground,” he said.

The Rastafarian pastor said four men then took turns attacking him.
Holy Bible 

“I was confused and kept asking them what I had done to deserve this but they just kept on kicking me and calling me evil.

“I was praying to God to spare my life.”

Collen said the four thugs took his work documents and favourite Bible.

“I had stashed money inside the Bible as I was saving it for my children’s school fees in the Eastern Cape,” he said.

Despite the vicious attack, Collen said he was not angry with the thugs.
The couple used handcuffs during their sex session
The Pastor Never Reported The Matter To Police 

“I know they have received God through the Bible they took.

“They will help me in spreading the word of God.

“Actually, this is a blessing in disguise.”

Collen said he has not opened a case against the criminals.

“I am a Christian and Rastafarian – I believe in forgiveness. I have forgiven them for what they did although I had to receive medical treatment,” he said. - Daily Sun 

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