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Drama As Police Disrupts Gay Marriage In Abuja

Abuja - A popular hotel in Jiwa Community of Abuja, King’s Land Hotel hosted two male guests who were there to celebrate their marriage, ot...

Abuja - A popular hotel in Jiwa Community of Abuja, King’s Land Hotel hosted two male guests who were there to celebrate their marriage, otherwise known as same-sex marriage. 

According to findings, the stage was already set with the hall decorated awaiting the commencement of the ceremony.

At about 5.30 pm many invited guests were already seated for the occasion, with invited guests, including their sponsors, the chairman of the occasion and other guests in their hundreds awaiting the commencement of the ceremony.
Same Sex Marriages Are Banned In Many African Countries 

However just as the celebrants were emerging from the car that conveyed them to the venue and were about taking their seats at the high table, men of Nigeria Police Force drafted from the Gwagwa Police Station swooped down on them and promptly arrested them.

The suspects who live in Jiwa Community are said to be indigenes of Kaduna State. Eyewitnesses told our reporter that many other persons, including their sponsors, chairman of the occasion and the owner of the hotel were equally arrested during the raid.

Leadership Weekend also gathered that men of the Nigeria Police Force, Gwagwa Division (AMAC) had earlier gotten information about the marriage that was to take place in the area, and had therefore sent a team of plain-clothed policemen to keep surveillance of the area.

It was gathered that the names of the two men were given as Abdul Lawal who is supposed to be the husband, while Umar Tahir posed as the wife. The sponsors of the marriage according to our findings are Abubakar Tahir and Mohammed Sani.
Gay Men 

On January 7, 2014, former President Goodluck Jonathan signed into law the Bill which outlaws same sex marriage. The signed bill says the gays; lesbians in Nigeria will risk a 14-year jail term if they do not retrace their steps and renounce such marriage.

Also, any person who operates or participates in gay clubs, societies and organisations directly or indirectly will earn a 10-year imprisonment. Those who administer, witness, abet or aid the solemnisation of a same sex marriage are going to bag a 10-year jail term.

The Nigerian Senate had previously passed the bill in November 2011, while lawmakers in Nigeria’s House of Representatives affirmed the decision by the Senate on May 29, 2013.

According to some abstracts, obtained by the Act reads: “A marriage contract or civil union entered into between persons of same sex: (a) is prohibited in Nigeria; and (b) shall not be recognised as entitled to the benefits of a valid marriage.

“A marriage contract or civil union entered into between persons of same sex by virtue of a certificate issued by a foreign country is void in Nigeria, and any benefit accruing there-from by virtue of the certificate shall not be enforced by any court of law."
Same S.ex Activists 

“The registration of gay clubs, societies and organisations, their sustenance, processions and meetings is prohibited. “The public show of same sex amorous relationship directly or indirectly is prohibited. ”The Act also stipulates the volume of the sanctions awaiting the violators of the new law."

Under existing Nigerian federal law, sodomy is punishable by jail, but this bill legislates for a much broader crackdown on homosexuals and lesbians, who already live a largely underground existence. Homosexual acts are still a crime in 38 African countries, where most people hold conservative religious views.

In 2011, the US and UK hinted that they could withdraw from countries which did not respect homosexual rights on the socially conservative continent. The threat has helped hold back or scupper such legislation in aid-dependent nations like Uganda and Malawi.

Recently scores of Nigerian gay activists living in London stormed the Nigerian High Commission to pass on to President Buhari and government the over 65,000 signatures they were able to gather demanding that Nigeria repeals its ‘archaic’ anti-gay law.
This Picture Tells The Story 

According to them, Nigeria has one of the harshest anti-gay laws out of the 76 countries that currently criminalise LGBT people. The Same Sex Marriage Prohibition Bill punishes same-sex “amorous relationships” with 10 years in prison. It also prohibits same-sex marriage with up to 14 years and jails members of LGBT equality or advocacy groups for 10 years.

The author of the Care2 Petition, Aderonke Apata, said: “Since the insidious 2014 anti-LGBT law was passed in Nigeria, there have been waves of police arrests and torture, anti-LGBT mob attacks, public whippings, evictions from homes, harassment and discrimination against ‘suspected’ LGBTs.

Equality advocacy organisations and activists in Nigeria are not spared mistreatment.

“Growing up in Nigeria, I was unable to disclose my sexuality, yet unable to hide it. The culture in Nigeria makes it clear that being gay or transgender is a sin, a sentiment that is fuelled by homophobic messages from faith communities, political leaders, families, and schools."

Nigerian President 

Also there are renewed efforts by influential rights activists in the United States to instigate the home government and coerce Nigeria into reversing its anti-gay law as Buhari recently visited the country.

In a veiled manner, lesbians, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community have intensified pressure at forcing Nigeria’s Buhari-led Federal Government to revisit the law. Proponents of LGBT rights are syndicating targeted articles with a view to raising the tempo of the discourse.

Confirming the Abuja incident the Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO) FCT Command, ASP Anjuguri Manza said that his men swooped into action after getting information about the marriage.

“We got information earlier in the day that the two men were organising a gay marriage ceremony in Jiwa community. However our men have to mobilise and get the suspects arrested."  - Online Sources

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