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Prophet Shepherd Bushiri And The 'Boot-licking Prophecy'

Harare - Barely a month after Malawian Prophet Shepherd Bushiri aka Major 1 sold a 'social media dummy' to balloon his image across...

Harare - Barely a month after Malawian Prophet Shepherd Bushiri aka Major 1 sold a 'social media dummy' to balloon his image across the Christian world, the suspicious clergyman recently asked a congregate to 'touch his shoes for a miracle to manifest.'

The incident took place during his Sunday service in Pretoria, his main base for his ministry Enlightened Christian Gathering (ECG) during a prophetic procession procession.

After Bushiri instructed the overzealous man to 'touch his shoes', the follower kissed his shoes. The act was followed, with the Prophet claiming his miracle would manifest within a week after the suspicious act.  
The Bushiri's seen here in Malawi
Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Beside His 'Private Jet'

"Watch out for your breakthrough during the coming week, between Tuesday or Wednesday," said the boastful preacher, while the man agreed in disbelief during a televised sermon. 

And in a previous broadcast preaching, he cautioned his voluminous congregation 'to be careful of whom they greet because they could intercept curses and demons'. 

He added, "When I am coming to church, I don't greet everyone because I will be carrying miracles for the people," he said in a statement contradicting the African way of shaking hands.

The youthful Malawian Prophet's life is dotted with more controversies. 
Prophet Bushiri And Uebert Angel

Besides being fathered by Uebert Angel, another suspect man of the cloth from Zimbabwe, who is also on the police wanted list to answer allegations of 'car theft'. 

On the other end, Bushiri was peddling blue lies to the world that he had purchased a new private jet valued at more than $50 million. 

The intended image building stunt later backfired after the media exposed him. In addition, he has allegedly immersed himself in sexual extremes, leaving his image in rags.  

Angel, has since fled Zimbabwe and is now holed in United Kingdom, deserting his faithfuls within Zimbabwe.
The Tanzanian Pastor Who Rides On His Congregation

In another miracle parade, Bushiri claimed to have walked in air, a feat that has been vehemently denied by many, even though his 300 000 followers on social media believe his stunts.     

Across, Tanzania, a self-proclaimed preacher who was captured delivering a sermon while literally riding of the backs of a section of his congregation have received widespread criticism on social media.
Abuse Of Believers Is Now Rampant 

The viral images have instigated anger within the Christian community after similar reports of 'pastors' abusing believers in various forms including, drinking pastor's s.emen, undressing in church, drinking petrol among other extremes. 

In July last year, photos of a South African preacher ordering members of his congregation to eat live snakes, were widely circulated on social media.

The pastor was also said to be known for stomping on his congregation as well as making them strip naked as part of his healing methods. 

In some of the images from Tanzania, the preacher is seen standing on the backs of three people who are kneeling on all fours as he delivers his sermon.
Man Forced To Eats Snake For Healing 

According to media reports, the preacher claims it is not in order for him to deliver the sermon 'while standing on the ground', thereby elevating himself to a 'supernatural being'.

This is the latest incident in a series of bizarre behaviour and extravagant lifestyles of African men of the cloth.

At the last count, Africa accounted for the highest quota of Prophets in the world, with many domiciled in Nigeria.

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