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Bedroom Torture: Husband Denies Wife S.ex For 26 Years

Harare – In what could easily rank as a world record in s.ex deprivation, a 72-year-old man was recently dragged to the Civil Court by his ...

Harare – In what could easily rank as a world record in s.ex deprivation, a 72-year-old man was recently dragged to the Civil Court by his wife for denying her s.ex for the past 26 years.

The s.ex starved woman, Dorothy Kanyeda, said she feared her husband Jospek Kanyeda was having ex-marital affairs because she last had sex with her husband in 1989, just nine years after Zimbabwe took its independence.

The couple married in 1966 and she was seeking a peace order against her husband.
Denied Sex For 26 Years

"I suspect he is quenching his sexual appetite somewhere because for the past 26-years he has been denying me my conjugal rights," she said. Dorothy told magistrate Mr Trevor Nyatsanza that Kanyeda often sent thugs to assault her.

"He said he wanted to kill me and throw my body in the bush. He is organising thugs to kill me and those thugs are always stalking me wherever I go. He sold our house in Chitungwiza and now he is threatening to evict me from our matrimonial home to accommodate his girlfriend," she said.

Kanyeda denied the allegations. "I am 72-years old. What will I do with a girlfriend at this age?" he said. He said he loved Dorothy.

In another related case, a married woman from Bulawayo’s Makokoba suburb who allegedly lusted after her neighbour’s 12 year-old son reportedly invited him to her bedroom and raped him.
Sex Deprivation

The woman would reportedly watch the boy playing with friends through the window. She finally called him into her house and told him she wanted the two of them to play a game.

Neighbours told reporters that the boy’s friends followed and saw the woman molesting the boy through a window.

“The children told us the woman was naked and she touched the boy who was also naked all over the body. She then put the boy on top of her and forced him to have s*x. We told the boy’s mother and she reported the matter to the police,” said a neighbour. - Sources 

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