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Food For Thought: Diets That Fuel Your S.ex Drive

Food has been considered sexual enhancers since the beginning of time, 1900BV (before Viagra) - and note the saying, the way to a man's...

Food has been considered sexual enhancers since the beginning of time, 1900BV (before Viagra) - and note the saying, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach.

Certain foods contain elements that can boost and stimulate hormones which increase s.exual arousal. Some argue that it is the shape of phallic symbols like bananas and cucumbers that cause the spike in arousal.

After years of research it has been proven that it is not only the shape of the banana that is an aphrodisiac but rather a chemical in the banana that can intensify an orgasm. The word aphrodisiac is sexy in itself but is actually taken from the Greek Goddess of love and beauty, Aphrodite.
Chilli Can Help Spice Your Relationship 

S.ex and food are closely linked and one has an effect on the need for the other. Here are a few foods that can get your partner's blood pumping, again.

This is how you spice up your relationship, add some chilli to your meals. Spicy foods heat you up, increases blood flow, increases your heart rate and stimulates nerve endings. Chilli can be added to your dessert as a twist or place a whole chilli in your cocktail. 

Whatever you decide to do with chillies, please use a glove while slicing or you going to give a lot more heat than you anticipated. An easy starter is to buy a store bought garlic roll. Slice up some chillies and place on top of the garlic roll then place in the oven. Just a little heat goes a long way.

Every girl's frenemy, the substance we love to hate the most. So how will this food lend to your s.exy time? Chocolate contains two chemicals, phenylethylamine and anandamide which boost your serotonin levels, which is otherwise known as the happy hormone.
Chocolate Will Boost Your Happy Hormone 

Heat up plain chocolate in the microwave or double boiler on the stove, dip some strawberries in, leave it on a piece of baking paper to cool and refrigerate until needed.

It is probably the number one go to aphrodisiac food, so much so that you can't order oysters without the waitron passing on a wink.

Eighteenth century lover man Casanova consumed 50 oysters every morning to increase his stamina. It must have worked since he reeked of fish but still managed to score with the ladies. He was well known for his voracious s.exual appetite.
Oyster, Leading Aphrodisiac Food  

Why do oysters get people hot and bothered? The mollusc is high in zinc which is associated with fertility, as well as amino acids that trigger s.exual hormones. 

Also watching the slurping of an oyster creates an arousal. Buy fresh oysters from your local fish shop, place oysters on a bed of ice. Dash with a few drops of fresh lemon and Tobasco - and slurp it up.

The banana is possibly the most famous phallic symbol. Due to its suggestive shape it is considered an aphrodisiac. Although it is a little more in-depth that that. This fruit is stocked full of nutrients, Potassium and Vitamin B that aid in hormone production. 
Banana Aid Hormone Production 

The world round, it is considered an aphrodisiac, in Central America, they use the sap from a red banana tree as a s.exual elixir. Freeze the banana, dip in hot fudge sauce and enjoy it. - Online Sources 

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