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'Bedroom Bully': How to Make Your Partner Reach Orgasm, Not Faking it

Resist the urge to fake it - it is tempting when he's on minute 17 of hammering away and it's just not working for you to give a fe...

Resist the urge to fake it - it is tempting when he's on minute 17 of hammering away and it's just not working for you to give a few screams and get it over with. 

But faking is basically cursing yourself with seven years of bad intercourse. And all that guy's future hookups with seven years of bad s.ex.

Ma.sturbate - this is vital to figuring out what you like in bed. For example, if you think you might be into nip.ple clamps but you're like.
Faking an Orgasm is Cursing Yourself After Years of Bad S.ex 

If your partner isn't making you or.gasm, tell them how to make you so. Almost no one is going to be amazing in bed the first time you sleep together, unless the last person they hooked up with liked the exact same things as you.

Guys love s.exy directions.

Get rid of any timelines you might have created in your head. My fiancé and I had our first kiss at the end of our third date literally because I was a young rule-follower and I'd heard in rom-coms that you're supposed to kiss on the third date.

It all worked out fine, but it would've also worked out fine if we'd kissed on the second date like we wanted to. This story is dragging but the point is: Do all the things whenever you want to do them! And kissing rules.

Don't do any se.x thing just because you feel like you should. Say no if you don't feel like having se.x or if you change your mind when you've already started.

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