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Dribbling Politician: Kalusha Bwalya Enters Political Minefield

Former Zambian football legend and top PF cadre Kalusha Bwalya has entered the political fray after he confirmed he'll be present at ...

Former Zambian football legend and top PF cadre Kalusha Bwalya has entered the political fray after he confirmed he'll be present at the 2016 ruling party campaign launch. 

According to a statement circulated by the ruling party, Kalusha - a losing presidential candidate at the FAZ election on March 19 - is one of the high profile individuals the ruling party has attracted to the event.
Kalusha Bwalya 

The CAF executive committee member is said to have confirmed participation at the event. The ruling party is also misleadingly marketing Kalusha as a FIFA executive committee member although the 1988 African Footballer of the Year has occasionally been co-opted to FIFA sub committees.

Recent reports had suggested Kalusha was to contest a seat on the PF ticket in Kalulushi, a position he dismissed. - Online Sources 

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