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Health Poser: 3 Scary Reasons Why You 'Shouldn't Shave Your P.ubic Hair'

You're probably all familiar with the pros of removing your pu.bic hair but the cons — besides hassle and ingrown hairs — are not as we...

You're probably all familiar with the pros of removing your pu.bic hair but the cons — besides hassle and ingrown hairs — are not as well versed.

Investigations are ongoing whether the benefits of removing the hair down there outweigh the potential dangers. It'll make you ponder, is a full bush the way to go?

Firstly, they identify that we're the only mammalian species in the world to have thick, coarse p.ubic hair.

Theories are that we kept it during evolution to act as a signal that we are ready to mate, and given that they cover sweat glands the hair could be there to trap pheromones and attract potential partners.
3 Scary Reasons Why You Shouldn't Shave Your Pubic Hair 

Also, they act as protection from friction during actual se.xual intercourse.

But these factors aren't enough to keep us from getting rid — be it by waxing, epilating, shaving or using laser and hair removal creams. A month-long survey of 1 000 plus US students found that a major 96 percent of females.

87 percent of males had either completely or partially got rid of their pubes during the trial. So what are the scarier reasons why we shouldn't?

Itching, rashes and ingrown hairs
Their research revealed 75 percent of people who've removed their pubes have experienced genital itching and 40 percent have experienced a rash. That's on top of the infamous ingrown hairs. 

It can spread STDs
While pubic lice incidents have decreased with hair removal, the practice can create abrasions on the skin which become infected and transmit se.xually transmitted diseases. In fact, they found that it directly correlates to the rise in gonorrhea, chlamydia and HPV infections. 

Genital injuries
Apparently the most reported genital injuries in the US emergency rooms are a consequence of hair removal. Not just razor nicks - so to go bare or bushy? - Online Sources 

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