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Policies not Prophecy: Zim Govt Dismiss 'Turmoil Prophecy'

Home Affairs minister Ignatius Chombo yesterday warned that police were geared to crush planned anti-government protests - further dismissi...

Home Affairs minister Ignatius Chombo yesterday warned that police were geared to crush planned anti-government protests - further dismissing prominent church founder, Emmanuel Makandiwa’s prophecy on the looming turmoil.

“We are fully aware of individuals trying to destabilise the country through misrepresenting facts. Let me warn the instigators behind the intended protests that they will face the full wrath of the law,” he said. 

He denied civil society activists’ claims that police were trampling on people’s rights through use of brute force to crush dissent.
Police Fire Teargas in Harare Recently 

“If you have genuine evidence, give it to us and we will take appropriate action. “Government accepts that Zimbabweans have a legitimate right to present petitions, but these must be exercised peacefully. 

"Government is committed to act in the best interests of citizens, hence, the need for the involvement of citizens in decision-making,” Chombo said.
On Makandiwa, he said: “We do not run a country on prophecies, we run a country on policies that we have, so any person, who really breaks the law, whether a prophet or whatever the individual is.

"They will be dealt with smoothly, properly and procedurally by the law. We have the police, who have the proper training and capacity to deal with that person. So, if a prophet comes up with a prophecy, that is for the church members to interpret its meaning there. We have the police put there to deal with trouble causers.”

Makandiwa further warned President Robert Mugabe to be wary of some Cabinet ministers, he claimed were clandestinely inciting public protests to topple his government. - Online Sources 

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