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PHD in Community: Prophet Magaya to Build 46 000 Houses

Philanthropist and popular PHD founding Prophet, Walter Magaya has embarked on a massive and ambitious housing project to construct 46 000 ...

Philanthropist and popular PHD founding Prophet, Walter Magaya has embarked on a massive and ambitious housing project to construct 46 000 houses in four cities in the next few months. 

The development is expected to create about 3 000 jobs. 

PHD, which is led by Prophet Walter Magaya, has since employed a 1 500 workforce in various categories which is are currently based in Prospect, Waterfalls, Harare, where construction of a more than 200-room hotel is almost complete.

In an interview last night, Prophet Magaya said the ground-breaking ceremony for the project will be held in Bulawayo soon. 
A Mentally Sick Man was Given a House by Prophet Magaya 

He said PHD would build 20 000 houses in Harare and Mutare, respectively; 3 000 in Midlands province, and another 3 000 in Bulawayo.

“I want to say thank you to my Government, which facilitated the acquisition of 20 percent of the land that I got while 80 percent was bought from private entities who had title deeds. I want to say thank you to my Government and I will not let it down on the land that it facilitated my ministry (PhD) to acquire,” said Prophet Magaya.

Asked how he was managing to embark on such a huge project running into millions of dollars during these difficult times, Prophet Magaya said he was working with his foreign partners.

“We have foreign partners who are investing back home. They are working with my company Planet Africa, which is into construction,” said Prophet Magaya.

He said servicing of the land in all the cities had already started.

“We are in the process of employing workers. To date, we have employed 1 500 and they are still here at Prospect. As a ministry, we are saying to all partners of the ministry, we want you to redeem yourself. It is your time for you to have your own land,” said Prophet Magaya.

Asked how much the houses would cost, Prophet Magaya said the houses would be valued at reasonable prices.

“They will be sold at a much lower price. It will be quite affordable to low-income earners, and would be lower than most of these projects. We are determined to fulfil Government’s economic blueprint Zim-Asset in providing infrastructure. Our concept is housing for all,” he said.

Asked how long he thought the project would take to complete, Prophet Magaya said: “If I managed to complete construction of a hotel in a record five months, what would stop me from completing it in seven months?”

The housing project is one of several that Prophet Magaya had spearheaded. He recently completed construction of a 15-000 seater stadium, and has since completed a state-of-the- art hotel in Waterfalls, in addition to construction of 1 500 houses in Harare and Chitungwiza.

PHD becomes one of the Pentecostal churches to embark on large scale projects. Recently, Magaya has given houses to some church members. - The Herald 

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