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Movie Review: Humorous Film Exposes Corruption, Factionalism and Greed

Harare – After a thought-provoking initial offering Mayaya: Seed of Corruption, featuring frontman Denice Rusoso as a corrupt-driven police...

Harare – After a thought-provoking initial offering Mayaya: Seed of Corruption, featuring frontman Denice Rusoso as a corrupt-driven policeman, Masvingo-based Jubilee Arts Production has created another humour-filled sequel confronting corruption, religious preferences, factionalism, and greed: VaMayaya: Nhaka Ndeyani? (Who is the heir?)

Though the creative gem revolves around birthright – it inaudibly confronts political differences, leadership squabbles – among other topical issues central within many organisations.

Inheritance – the central plot is divisive within African families, with fights ensuing after the death of a male relative. As suggested, Jacob Mayaya – an affluent entrepreneur dies in a horror accident – and is burnt beyond identification.
Mayaya and Company

His brother – James Mayaya – an unethical cop and self-anointed heir receives the death message while at a roadblock exhibiting his shady trends. Instantly, he abducts Obama, and “sentences him to community service” for driving a convertible car. Arriving at the funeral chauffeured by his “prisoner” – Obama, Mayaya encounters a “fugitive” who had evaded arrest – the “funeral planner”.

While the deceased’s wife frantically tries to block relatives to converge for the funeral vigil – Mayaya kicks off inheritance talks alongside his sister and nephew. Greed soon manifests as the family tripartite shares the property, and the nephew quoting customary dictates. “The wife is mine.”

The family pastor, an equally suspicious personality representing fake spiritual leaders sprouting haphazardly tries to calm the wayward situation. And in a failed bid to exhibit his supernatural powers during an attempted deliverance session, he exposed his false leaning.

Humour – a weapon used eloquently by the group denotes dubious characters who have become influential leaders to the detriment of masses. Names such as Gagamel – a known hideous cartoon character, add seasoning in revealing the rot and deception depicted in the movie.

Culture diehards represented by the main character and his nephew tries to outwit contemporary institutions epitomised by the deceased’s wife alongside her so-called funeral planner. Religious beliefs also divert as Mayaya accuses the pastor of interfering in private family matters, and his tenacity to perform traditional rituals despite the wife’s opposition.

The traditionalists’ wishes temporarily prevail – until they are outfoxed by the “will” – purportedly transcribed by the deceased, liberating all assets to the wife – while Mayaya inherits ashes, leaving him with only one option – to marry the dead man’s wife – thereby infuriating his nephew.

A flashback conception at the close finally reveals that the “mysterious death” was preplanned by the self-seeking wife. However, the plot went off track after the hit men exterminated the wrong target. Jacob Mayaya is alive – and he appears at his funeral, while everyone scatters in shock.

Greed – as revealed later had driven relatives into a property seizing frenzy – a common greed engulfing families, political parties and organisations alike – degenerating into ultimate paralysis. While funerals and lives ought to be respected, they are occasionally used as feuding platforms to fulfill selfish gains, leading to permanent relationship splits.

Besides the superb plot, the chatty characters periodically outdo each other, turning some scenes into verbal chaos. Though Mayaya, a wordy personality, spiting memorable, malicious dialogues – speaks eloquently, his vocal command often fades others.

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