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Breaking News: Evan Mawarire Returns, Arrested at Airport

#ThisFlag activist and cleric, Evan Mawarire surprisingly jetted into Harare a few hours ago and was immediately arrested by State security...

#ThisFlag activist and cleric, Evan Mawarire surprisingly jetted into Harare a few hours ago and was immediately arrested by State security agents.

Human rights lawyer and Mawarire’s legal counsel Harrison Nkomo confirmed his client was being held at the Harare International airport.

“Its true he arrived at the airport and was immediately arrested. I have not been able to see him though and I am still trying,” Nkomo said a few moments ago.

Just prior to returning to Zimbabwe, Pastor Evan Mawarire spoke to Simon Allison about why he’s going home, what he is going to do there, and why he doesn’t mind being labelled a regime change agent.

Pastor Evan Mawarire is not sleeping very well, and he’s got good reason to be nervous. “I only get a few hours a night at the moment. I stay up thinking about what is going to happen to me when I arrive,” he said.

After six months in exile in the United States, Pastor Evan Mawarire is going home. Pastor Evan, whose eloquent, emotional Facebook video calling for change in Zimbabwe ushered in a new era of resistance to President Robert Mugabe’s regime last year, returned to Harare on Wednesday.

“At some point one has to stop wishing they were home, and actually pack their bags and go home,” Mawarire told the Daily Maverick, in an exclusive in-depth interview just prior to his return.

Speaking first from the United States on an encrypted phone line, and then again in-person at a guest house in Johannesburg, Mawarire said that he always planned to return to Zimbabwe at the earliest possible opportunity.

“Zimbabwe is home for me and my family. That’s the place where we have a right to be without acquiring a visa, we are citizens of Zimbabwe. The president of Zimbabwe made comments to the effect that I was not welcome in Zimbabwe, but he doesn’t get to make that decision for me. I have not committed a crime, I’m not a fugitive, I’m a citizen, and an upstanding citizen for that matter." - Online Sources

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