I remember the doubt and insecurities I felt when our Head, Mr Gombera and Deputy Head , Mr. Gwenda asked me whether I could sit for 16 sub...
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I remember the doubt and insecurities I felt when our Head, Mr Gombera and Deputy Head, Mr. Gwenda asked me whether I could sit for 16 subjects.
I asked myself whether I was making the right decision or just estimating the probability of my outcome with our school’s past successes, that is the previous year’s result were Kuzivakwashe Vito (HDG) made it as the highest with 15 A’s followed by Wilbert. M. Mbiza (V.HDB) and Charles. T. Soda (HDB) who both had 12 A’S.Fortunately things turned out in my favour and I feel it is necessary to explain in detail how I made it this far. The road to 16A’S was no walk in the park as it called for continuous motivation from peers and teachers.
This article won’t be complete if I do not acknowledge my special colleagues and teachers who helped me through, this will also highlight the much needed discipline and technique one can use to achieve these tremendous results.
Before I ramble on about how hard I worked I would like to thank Mrs. H.Madamombe for her inspirational guidance and counseling and also my building studies teacher, Mr. J. Madzinga, who gave me practical skills which will one day play a pivotal role in my life.
Doing a practical subject can be one of the best decisions one can make. Not forgetting the big man himself Mr. A. Maketo, my additional maths teacher who played a pivotal role in motivating me. It is hard to come by teachers with such passion for their work.
My first motivational tool was competition. Though most people are reluctant to compete, it’s something you can use to your advantage. My intelligent friends and I made sure we checked each other’s result after every test or exam we wrote.
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Genius Speaks |
Kuwadzana 7 Primary really laid a perfect foundation towards my current success.
Before I ramble on about how hard I worked I would like to thank Mrs. H.Madamombe for her inspirational guidance and counseling and also my building studies teacher, Mr. J. Madzinga, who gave me practical skills which will one day play a pivotal role in my life.
Doing a practical subject can be one of the best decisions one can make. Not forgetting the big man himself Mr. A. Maketo, my additional maths teacher who played a pivotal role in motivating me. It is hard to come by teachers with such passion for their work.
My first motivational tool was competition. Though most people are reluctant to compete, it’s something you can use to your advantage. My intelligent friends and I made sure we checked each other’s result after every test or exam we wrote.
Failure was a call for laughter and we all worked our brains out to avoid that. I am proud to say Jerrald. A. Ncube scored 10 A’s and a B, Mathias Munemo with 13 A’s and Lawrence. P. Chibvuri, 11 A’s and 1 C and Mike Munatsi 8 A’s and 2 B’s. To me that is a remarkable achievement we owe to the power of competition.
Study groups also helped me a great deal. I figured that I understood concepts more when I tried explaining them to others. We made use of vacation lessons to help each other including students from other schools. Brian Mazengena, Hillary Mapondera and Tanaka Siziba are there to testify that discussions create a platform for sharing diverse information and various methods of tackling different questions.
I encourage learners to have enough sleep because strenuous reading leads to poor performance that’s why my junior level mathematics teachers, Mrs. Gara, taught me to keep a personal study time table which prevents prioritizing on fewer subjects which later increases exam pressure. However, don’t take this as a go-ahead for laziness but an encouragement to reward your body after a long day of hard work.
Above all there is no hidden route to colourful results other than effective study and positive attitude. I believe the learner himself is the top and foremost own motivater who holds the ability to change likely failure into obvious success.
There’s no destructive weapon other than PRIDE. It can turn your ongoing success into a piss a failures as it corrupts your brain into believing you have reached the epitome of success whilst you have just made the first step of a long journey.
As for my ‘A’ level there’s no other place suitable for me than Rusununguko High. They groomed and supported me to become a responsible citizen and I would not dare disappoint them. Thanks to the government for introducing STEM, l will pursue my sciences until the sky will no longer be the limit.
Above all I want to thank the Lord Almighty who gave me such darling and ever supportive Mom, Dad and loving Uncle Mr. Kilian Mangwendeza. Your genuine and sincere words of advice won’t go unnoticed Pastor Prosper and Thelma Mungazi who stood by my side through thick and thin.
How would I have stood against peer pressure if it wasn’t for my sisters from other parents Stacey Kundiona and Karen Karichi. If you want to achieve something great then seek God’s Kingdom and everything shall be given unto you. Try it fear the Lord and check whether wisdom won’t be given unto you. - Sunday Mail
Study groups also helped me a great deal. I figured that I understood concepts more when I tried explaining them to others. We made use of vacation lessons to help each other including students from other schools. Brian Mazengena, Hillary Mapondera and Tanaka Siziba are there to testify that discussions create a platform for sharing diverse information and various methods of tackling different questions.
I encourage learners to have enough sleep because strenuous reading leads to poor performance that’s why my junior level mathematics teachers, Mrs. Gara, taught me to keep a personal study time table which prevents prioritizing on fewer subjects which later increases exam pressure. However, don’t take this as a go-ahead for laziness but an encouragement to reward your body after a long day of hard work.
Above all there is no hidden route to colourful results other than effective study and positive attitude. I believe the learner himself is the top and foremost own motivater who holds the ability to change likely failure into obvious success.
There’s no destructive weapon other than PRIDE. It can turn your ongoing success into a piss a failures as it corrupts your brain into believing you have reached the epitome of success whilst you have just made the first step of a long journey.
As for my ‘A’ level there’s no other place suitable for me than Rusununguko High. They groomed and supported me to become a responsible citizen and I would not dare disappoint them. Thanks to the government for introducing STEM, l will pursue my sciences until the sky will no longer be the limit.
Above all I want to thank the Lord Almighty who gave me such darling and ever supportive Mom, Dad and loving Uncle Mr. Kilian Mangwendeza. Your genuine and sincere words of advice won’t go unnoticed Pastor Prosper and Thelma Mungazi who stood by my side through thick and thin.
How would I have stood against peer pressure if it wasn’t for my sisters from other parents Stacey Kundiona and Karen Karichi. If you want to achieve something great then seek God’s Kingdom and everything shall be given unto you. Try it fear the Lord and check whether wisdom won’t be given unto you. - Sunday Mail
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