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Cyber Attacks: Here is How You Avoid Being Hacked

Everyday companies, institutions and individuals have been targets of hacking. Technically speaking, everything that connects to the Intern...

Everyday companies, institutions and individuals have been targets of hacking. Technically speaking, everything that connects to the Internet can get hacked.

Losing confidential data can break a business’s reputation, so firms and individuals must be wary of the dangers of possible cyber attacks and act before any data is lost.

Also note it is much easier to hack someone than you might think. But don’t despair – there are several proven ways to protect your personal data from any future attack.
Here are the Ways to Avoid Cyber Attacks

Suspicious emails
The majority of hacking is launched through simple malicious email campaigns. Though it is a wonderful communication platform because you can send anything to anyone, but on the other hand it can be a huge security risk. Phishing, for example, sends victims seemingly harmless emails that will lead victims to fake websites asking to update their personal information.

Avoid phony emails to eradicated being scammed. Check their email address to see if they match with the website you think it’s from – and check the IP address of the sender.

Link locations
Unknown messages contain links to unknown sites. Surfing to a mysterious website can bring about unintended consequences for the user. Sometimes it can imitate a site you know and trust and help you fall prey to a phishing scam. Or, it may be unsecure or infected with malware. If you are tempted to click on one of these links, you better know exactly where it’s taking you.

The best way is to copy and paste the link location into a new browser to see what site is on the other side.

Never open attachments
A good rule to follow is never open attachments unless you are 120 percent satisfied of where they came from. One of the easiest ways for hackers to download malicious code onto victim computers is by sending emails with virus-laden files. A frequent way companies get hacked is by one unsuspecting employee downloading malicious software that infiltrates the entire network.

The most dangerous file types are Word, PDFs, and .EXEs.

Advanced passwords
This may be the most obvious yet overlooked tip. A strong password includes uppercase, lowercase, numbers, punctuation, and gibberish. Don’t make the password a personal reference, and don’t store a list in a saved file. Don’t use the same password for multiple accounts. It’s good practice to change all passwords regularly.

Beware of public Wi-Fi Never check your bank account in a public space. The same goes for places like hotels and conference centers. Security researchers just uncovered a vulnerability that made Wi-Fi traffic at some of the world's biggest hotels vulnerable to attack. Check it’s legitimate: It’s easy for hackers to set up a fake WiFi network that looks like an official one.

Forget the network
Once you have finished browsing on a WiFi, log off all services you were using and then ask the device to forget the network so it doesn’t automatically join next time you’re in range. Make sure you disable WiFi when you’re not using it. This prevents your device joining any rough networks automatically without you noticing.

Dodgy applications
Always check permissions on the apps before installing and make sure they aren’t accessing unnecessary information. For example, a drawing app should not have access to your contacts list or your network info.

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