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Cameroon NUDP: Re-Organisation of Grassroots Organs Accelerated

The National Union for Democracy and Progress (NUDP) has intensified action on the field, stepping up efforts to complete the re-organisati...

The National Union for Democracy and Progress (NUDP) has intensified action on the field, stepping up efforts to complete the re-organisation and commissioning of the new executive bureaus of the party sections and divisional federations. 

NUDP's Assistant National Communication Secretary and Director of the Party Headquarters, Kuma Peter Kombain said that about 70 per cent of the sections and divisional federations have been re-organised and executive bureaus working. 

The re-organisation of the sections is a pre-condition for the re-organisation of sub-sections and branches. 

It is for this reason, Mr Kuma said, that the NUDP National President, Bello Bouba Maigari in a recent circular instructed members of the commissions in charge of the Sections to round off the operation as soon as possible. 
Grassroots Reorganisation 

The National Union for Democracy and Progress, besides reinvigorating the party's grassroots structures is also directly involved in maximising its chances to win the 2018 elections. 

The party's Assistant National Communication Secretary disclosed that officials have been encouraging supporters and members who have already enrolled their names on the electoral registers to collect their voter cards in readiness for the polls. 

The NUDP has also come out with another innovation which consists of computerising the registration of its members and supporters. This strategy, Kuma Peter said, is intended to enable the NUDP know the exact number of its militants in each constituency in order to do a better political mapping in future elections. 

For now, he said, the party is not yet talking about candidates for the various upcoming elections. The explanation, he said, is because Sections do not nominate candidates. Only the party's Central Committee, he stated, is conferred the powers to nominate candidates for the various elections. 

In Cameroon's political arena, the NUDP comes third after the ruling Cameroon People's Democratic Movement (CPDM) and the leading opposition party, the Social Democratic Front (SDF). The party has one Senator and five Members of the National Assembly.

NUDP has a total number of 522 councillors spread in councils throughout the country and controls 15 councils. - Online Sources

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