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Arthur Mutambara: "Lets Create a Different Zimbabwe"

Harare – With the forced resignation of former president Robert Mugabe, the citizens of Zimbabwe have a unique opportunity to break with th...

Harare – With the forced resignation of former president Robert Mugabe, the citizens of Zimbabwe have a unique opportunity to break with the past and create a stable, peaceful, democratic, prosperous and globally competitive nation, former deputy prime minister Arthur Mutambara has said.

A former student leader who is recognised as one of Africa’s most prominent scientists, Mutambara said Mugabe the person has been defeated but “Mugabeism” remains intact.

“We have work to do,” the former Rhodes Scholar and robotics and mechatronics professor said. 
Mutambara in Demo Against Mugabe's Rule 

“Let us use the opportunity before us to break with the past and create a different Zimbabwe. Let us evaluate and comprehend what went wrong with our politics, society and economy in the past 37 years. 

“Going forward, we must fashion strategies and frameworks to radically transform the political governance and economic management of our country.”

The Oxford scholar called for electoral reforms, media reforms, removal of repressive legislation, release of political prisoners, and economic stabilisation coupled with economic recovery, shared economic growth and inclusive economic prosperity. - Daily News

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