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Fallen Soldiers: Cameroon Honours Heroes in Boko Haram Battle

Yaounde - Battalion Commander Ayissi Tsanga Marc Narcisse and Second Class Soldier Abena Jean David who died respectively on October 4, 201...

Yaounde - Battalion Commander Ayissi Tsanga Marc Narcisse and Second Class Soldier Abena Jean David who died respectively on October 4, 2017 and September 28, 2017 in the battle field fighting the terrorist group, Boko Haram in Far North Cameroon. 

The duo received the recognition of the nation in a funeral ceremony at the Yaounde 101 Military Airbase on October 27, 2017. 

The Governor of the Centre Region, Naseri Paul Bea who chaired the event in the presence of some military officials and family members of the fallen soldiers decorated them posthumously.

Commander Ayissi Tsanga was decorated with the medal of the Cross of Military Order of Valour of the Army, while Second class soldier Abena Jean David had the medal of the Cross of Bravery of the Order of the Army. 
Fallen Soldiers Honoured 

Lieutenant Colonel Ewala Abessolo of the Joint Military Region No. 1 who presented the eulogies said Ayissi Tsanga before his murder on October 4 was serving at the Bonderi post with the Multinational Joint Task Force. 

The departed commander was born on November 3, 1980 in Yaounde. The married soldier and father of five children, he said, was promoted to the rank of Battalion Commander on July 1, 2017. He was dedicated to work, wanted perfection in work done and was against procrastination. 

The fallen commandant, he said, had good relations with his collaborators and before his death that came after a military operation, had no particular problems with collaborations. 

The Second Class Soldier, Abena Jean David whose death was caused by a landmine, was born on August 13, 1996 in Metet, Nyong et So'o Division of the Centre Region. 

The committed soldier who had not worked up to a year, died when he had lived only 20 years, eight months and 17 days. The mortal remains of the fallen soldiers were reportedly buried in their respective villages of origin last weekend. - Online Sources

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