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New Era: Zanu-PF ‘Celebrates’ Jonathan Moyo’s Ouster

Bulawayo - Zanu-PF Matabeleland North Province yesterday welcomed the sacking of Professor Jonathan Moyo from the party describing it as go...

Bulawayo - Zanu-PF Matabeleland North Province yesterday welcomed the sacking of Professor Jonathan Moyo from the party describing it as good riddance that would allow that party to breathe fresh air.

The Zanu-PF Central Committee, a fortnight ago, recommended the expulsion of Prof Moyo along with fellow members of the G40 cabal including former Vice President Phelekezela Mphoko, Saviour Kasukuwere and Patrick Zhuwawo among others.

They were accused of dividing and destabilising the party, fanning factionalism among other charges. 

Party provincial chairperson Cde Richard Moyo said Prof Moyo had fallen by his sword and had no one to blame for his ejection from the revolutionary party.

“We accept the expulsion of Professor Moyo from the party and Parliament because he was the chief engineer of the very things that got him fired like engaging in factionalism and dividing the party,” said Cde Moyo.
Jonathan Moyo has Been Ousted from Zanu-PF

“We are so relieved that he has been fired, it’s good riddance and now we can breathe fresh air. Fellow Politburo members tried to talk him out of his behaviour but he would not listen. While we supported Government initiatives like Command Agriculture, Professor Moyo was opposed to it. He always swam against the tide.”

Cde Moyo said in the 2015 by elections, Prof Moyo received support from fellow Politburo members and the then Vice President (now President) Emmerson Mnangagwa to campaign for the Tsholotsho North constituency but turned against them after winning the seat.

“After winning the seat, Professor Moyo started attacking his colleagues in the politburo including Cde Mnangagwa. He had forgotten that Cde Mnangagwa had come for his star rally to help him canvass support and that on the day Cde Mnangagwa also made a donation of $5 000 for the local Mbiriya Primary School,” he said.

“We noticed that he was playing factional politics when he tried to downplay Cde Mnangagwa’s contribution creating an impression that only former Vice President Mphoko had made a donation during the rally.”

The provincial chairperson said the party wanted to charge Prof Moyo to which he responded to by launching a tirade against Politburo member Dr Obert Mpofu.

“He responded by launching a fight on Twitter targeting Dr (Obert) Mpofu and again we noticed that the leadership at the time seemed to be biased towards Prof Moyo, Kasukuwere and the entire group so proceedings were stopped,” said Cde Moyo.

He said Prof Moyo had no home in Tsholotsho but instead commuted to the constituency. “He spent most of his time in Harare or plotting their factional politics with his friends in Mashonaland Central.

“He was a very divisive figure but fortunately for us, we did not allow his factional politics in the province,” said Cde Moyo. - The Chronicle

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