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Proposed Impeachment: How Parliament can Remove Robert Mugabe

Harare - THE ruling Zanu PF party has summoned all its legislators to a party caucus as the former liberation movement moved to trigger a p...

Harare - THE ruling Zanu PF party has summoned all its legislators to a party caucus as the former liberation movement moved to trigger a process to impeach beleaguered President Robert Mugabe. 

Mugabe was yesterday deposed as Zanu PF leader yesterday following a special session of the ruling party’s central committee only to be replaced by his former trusted lieutenant former Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa.

A Zanu PF MP who spoke on condition of anonymity told NewsDay they had been summoned for the caucus. 

“We have been summoned and all have been asked to report to party headquarters by no later than 14:30 this afternoon,” he said.

Zanu PF chief whip Lovemore Matuke has confirmed the development. “Yes, we are meeting today at around 4pm and we will advise of details,” he said.
Robert Mugabe has Lost Support 

Mugabe was yesterday given until mid-day today to tender his resignation with the Speaker of Parliament following the central committee decision to “recall him” as party leader and President of the Republic.

However, the 93-year-old ailing Mugabe in a televised speech seemed defy the party directive even going to the extent of indicating he will preside over Zanu PF’s extra-ordinary congress scheduled for December 12-17.Statement: Motion To Impeach The President…the details

Whereas the Constitution of Zimbabwe in Section 97 (1) provides for the removal of The President or Vice President from office for;

(a) Serious misconduct;

(b) Failure to obey, uphold or defend this constitution;

(c) Willful violation of this Constitution; or

(d) Inability to perform the functions of the office because of physical or mental incapacity.

Gravely concerned: that the President has become the country’s source of instability by his indiscriminate and continuous dismissal of members of his cabinet including 2 Vice Presidents in the past 4 years on allegations of plotting to assassinate him and forcibly take over power.

Worried: t
hat none of the allegations raised by the President have ever been tested in a court of law and that the President has since re appointed some of those he dismissed on the same allegations. This attests to the President’s poor sense of judgement and disrespect for the rule of law.

Alarmed: that the president has abrogated his constitutional mandate to his wife who makes public utterances on issues of government like the appointing and dismissal of Government Ministers and senior civil servants.

Further worried: that there has been no meaningful development in the country in the past 15 years resulting in an unprecedented economic tailspin that attracted an inflation unprecedented in modern history resulting in the country abandoning our currency in favour of a multi-currency system.

Further concerned: that the President has not taken any meaningful steps to stem endemic corruption which has become the country’s number one enemy like evidenced in the ZESA case where his cabinet minister approved the transfer of USD 5million without following provisions laid down in the Public Finance Management Act.

Herefore: calls upon this House to cause the removal of the President from office in light of the above and that voting in the motion of No Confidence in the President be by secret ballot. - Online Sources

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