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Kembo Mohadi: “You can call us Junta, we are Trained Soldiers”

Harare – Zimbabwe’s Vice President Kembo Mohadi has echoed that there is nothing sinister for the ruling party opponents to call the curren...

Harare – Zimbabwe’s Vice President Kembo Mohadi has echoed that there is nothing sinister for the ruling party opponents to call the current presidium a junta – since they are all trained soldiers.

His remarks were aimed at rivals of the current regime tagging it a military junta since the elevation of President Emmerson Mnangagwa in November 2017 via a military backup.

The presidium comprises of Mnangagwa who acquired military training in China, retired army general Constatino Chiwenga and Mohadi a former colonel.

“We were all soldiers, we are cadres. Even if you call us junta, you can say that – we are all trained soldiers. What can we do? Ndisu tiri panyanga (we are the ones in power),” Mohadi said in his closing remarks, unleashing laughter from both Chiwenga and Mnangagwa.
President Mnangagwa and VPs Chiwenga and Mohadi

Mohadi was speaking at a Zanu PF star rally in Chegutu – largely primed along the ill-fated youth interface rallies used by ousted president Robert and wife Grace to denigrate his opponents – especially current president Mnangagwa.

Exiled Professor Jonathan Moyo who is credited with managing the proposed elevation of Grace Mugabe to take over from her husband has become the main critic of the new dispensation.

“God help Zim if the opposition forces don't currently have engine rooms that are all about formulating and implementing strategy and tactics, against an illegitimate junta that illegally and unconstitutionally grabbed power, and now seeks to legitimize itself via an illegitimate election,” Moyo tweeted.

Regurgitating Mnangagwa’s call for peaceful elections, Mohadi said party followers must be disciplined during the usually volatile election period.

“There must be peace to enable development, without that there is nothing. Our enemies listened to us to hear and provoke us. We don’t have to fight with the minnows. The jackal will howl at the rising moon but it will never stop its course.”

Zimbabweans are still aware of the torrid time they endured during previous elections, following the involvement of the military who previously declared that they will not salute a leader lacking war credentials, with similar words recently emanating from a current minister – Terrence Mukupe.

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