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#OpenForBusiness: Zanu-PF to Engage Gays and Lesbians

Harare - In a bid to incorporate all sectors of the populace, the ruling party Zanu-PF will soon engage gays and lesbians to hear their con...

Harare - In a bid to incorporate all sectors of the populace, the ruling party Zanu-PF will soon engage gays and lesbians to hear their concerns ahead of the general elections scheduled for 30 July, 2018 - diverting from the Robert Mugabe era who bashed homosexuals. 

This was announced by party secretary, Obert Mpofu said, while hosting a Commonwealth delegation which is in the country to assess preparedness for harmonised elections set for July 30.

“Yesterday (Monday) we met the National Democratic Institute and the International Research Institute from Ireland.

“We also have requests from observers like GALZ (Gays and Lesbians Association of Zimbabwe) and we will be meeting them soon to hear their issues as well. We will also meet National Association of Non-Governmental Organisations (NANGO),” Mpofu said. 
Robert Mugabe Attached Homosexuals 

The team was deployed to Zimbabwe on an assessment mission between June 2 and 7 to gain appreciation of the function of democracy in Zimbabwe and the extent to which it is aligned with the Commonwealth’s fundamental political values.

The visit followed a formal letter written by President Mnangagwa to Commonwealth secretary-general expressing the country’s interest in re-joining the bloc.

Mpofu said he had provided the team with the relevant information and emphasised the party’s commitment to holding a free, fair and credible election.

“They needed assurance from Zanu-PF on our genuineness and commitment to holding a peaceful election,” he said.

“We assured them that the party was ready and that our commitment to holding a free, fair and credible election was self-evident.

“What they have seen on the ground so far is evidence enough that we are serious about the issue. Our President has told everyone locally and internationally about our commitment to a democratic plebiscite.

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