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Madzibaba Ishmael: Cult of Canaan Leader Arrested, 100 Families Freed

Infamous prophet, Madzibaba Ishmael has once again found himself in handcuffs, after he was arrested for running a cult at his plot in Nyabi...

Infamous prophet, Madzibaba Ishmael has once again found himself in handcuffs, after he was arrested for running a cult at his plot in Nyabira, were several questionable activities were taking place.

A local tabloid recently revealed that Madzibaba Ishmael was running a cult in which members were not allowed to carry cash in their pockets, children did not have birth certificates and girls were not allowed access to sanitary pads.

According to reports, people in the cult did not indulge in Christian prayer but were only waiting for the end of the world.

According to H-Metro, girls in Canaan, as the place is known to its residents, were being married off at young ages of between 14 to 15, while children who are being born out of these unions are not allowed to acquire birth certificates and are not allowed to go to school when they reach school-going ages.

Those that tried to leave are reportedly intimated into staying while those who die are buried on the same day without consultations with close relations. This is not the first time that Madzibaba Ishmael has found himself behind bars.

In 2015, Madzibaba Ishmael was sentenced to a five-year jail term for leading an attack on police officers, journalists and members of the Archbishop Johannes Ndanga-led Apostolic Christian Council of Zimbabwe at his Harare shrine in 2014.

Madzibaba Ishmael: Cult of Canaan Leader Arrested, 100 Families Freed

Archbishop Ndanga was trying to close down Madzibaba Ishmael’s sect over allegations of abuse of women and children by the latter’s followers. According to H-Metro, Madzibaba Ishmael allegedly established his cult shortly after his release from prison. He reportedly invited his followers to reside on his farm located in Nyabira.

The congregants believed in him, as they perceived him to possess the spirit of God. Consequently, his followers constructed makeshift houses on the farm and engaged in farming activities. As they awaited the purported end of the world, the followers ceased praying and followed his orders.

“We believed him since we thought he had the spirit of God. We would build shanty houses. We would do farming at his farm, children vanenge vachibika chikafu, vachibika sipo.

Madzibaba Ishmael farm reportedly housed more than 100 families. All of them reported to him and worked for him. His followers referred to him as Mambo and adhered to his strict rules.

Disturbingly, cult members were prohibited from possessing any money or worldly possessions. Furthermore, sources have revealed that underage girls, some as young as 14 to 15 years old, were forced into marriages.

Shockingly, children born within these unions were denied birth certificates and were deprived of the opportunity to attend school when they reached school-going age. - Online Sources 

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