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Soft drinks can affect your reproductive health

THE most popular soft drink manufacturer only sold 25 bottles in its first year of production; today nobody can claim they have not tast...

THE most popular soft drink manufacturer only sold 25 bottles in its first year of production; today nobody can claim they have not tasted one of its countless brands. Sadly, the organisation’s inspiration ends there. Here is why.
1. Bad teeth
Cavities occur when we consume too many sugary and acidic foods and drinks, soft drinks are no exception. It contains both and ruins the enamel. To fix the problem will cost you money. Dental work is never cheap. Of course, you can try and brush your teeth after drinking sodas, but the smarter choice is to avoid them and drink water instead. Yes, water is safe and health for you!
2. Risk of diabetes
Carbs is another name for sugars. Most foods contain a lot of carbs. Pouring soda on top will only make the problem worse. It takes only 20 minutes to increase your blood sugar. It’s extremely hard to treat diabetes hence we suggest you should stop drinking all brands of sodas, including the most popular ones. 

3. Poor metabolism
Never trust commercials where you see famous sportsmen drinking a famous soft drink after a strenuous training session. You will keep piling up pounds merely by drinking soft drinks because sugary sodas slow down your metabolism and your body does not burn fat as efficiently. Drink plain water instead!

4. Aspartame affects inner organs
Aspartame is still being studied. It is known to cause a lot of diseases. It does not really matter which type of soda you opt for – you are ruining your body anyways. You definitely need your organs more than the soft drink. 

5. Coke affects fertility
Regular consumption of popular sodas might have a negative impact on your reproductive system. The chemicals that most fizzy drinks contain lead to defects in your organs that are responsible for reproduction. Avid soft drink fans should bear this bad news in mind.

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