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Xenophobic attacks and the spiritual links

By Derick Matsengarwodzi  PRETORIA was recently soaking in blood. The xenophobic attacks left a trail of confusion on souther...

By Derick Matsengarwodzi 

PRETORIA was recently soaking in blood. The xenophobic attacks left a trail of confusion on southern Africa’s relations. Security details continue to comb for evidence leading to the callous murders in Africa’s second largest economy.

As many continue to seek answers, the church however came in full force to condemn the senseless murders that habitually besiege South Africa, and using spiritual warfare to denounce the heinous acts. Reverend Edson Tsvakai was adamant and held that, “It is time to call on God stop the attacks. If we do not pray, the situation will not change,” he mentioned during a recent prayer session in Harare.

While leadership has been vocal about the attacks, prayer is the main channel to avert the acts. At the dawn of 2014, at an all-night vigil to mark the advent of 2015, Apostle Pride Sibiya stunned the gathering by pronouncing that: “foreign nationals in South Africa and Botswana are emissaries dispatched by God to preach and pray for their host nations to turn towards God.”

He declared, “Generally, 2015 will be a difficult year in these two mentioned countries. Their economies will be depressed because of ill-treatment of foreigners and homosexuality tendencies.” Homosexuality is acceptable in South Africa, while xenophobic attacks have been recurrent with the most casualties recorded in 2008. 

Few months later, the prophecy began to manifest itself after a foreign shop owner gunned down a boy for allegedly stealing. Then, a wild statement by King Goodwill Zwelithini fuelled the already inflated situation. Their respective currencies have suffered a downturn, whilst water and electricity shortages have escalated.

“Xenophobia was instigated as a form of awareness to foreign nationals who were sent to preach the gospel of Christ but resorted to womanising, fornication and drunkenness. Let us pray for these countries. The attacks were not instigated by the Zulu nationals but they are spiritual,” mentioned Apostle Sibiya.  

Paul Charles, communication director of the Southern African-Indian Ocean Division Seventh-day Adventist Church released a statement condemning the attacks. The Seventh-day Adventist Church in the Southern African-Indian region is outraged by the recent, current xenophobic attacks against foreign nationals in South Africa. There is no justifiable reason to warrant the senseless violence and prejudice bringing shame to a new and free democratic South Africa.

To embrace true freedom means to renounce a spirit of domination, abuse or violence against people. Without reservation, our leadership and almost 3.5million Seventh-day Adventist members in Southern Africa condemn all these senseless acts of violence and hatred which also affected members of our church.”  

Regional churches also recently combined forces to execute night vigils and street marches to renounce these acts. Notable servants of God such as Shingi Munyeza, the president of Evangelical Fellowship of Zimbabwe, a gathering of more than 500 churches in Zimbabwe condemned the acts. – Tinzwei  

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