When it comes to your partner cheating on you, there might not be definite clues. He/she could be working late or he could be cheating yo...
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When it comes to your partner cheating on you, there might not be definite clues. He/she could be working late or he could be cheating you late – dressing for you or his mistress. But there are always certain things that must get our aerial up – and with the advent of technology, those little hints now seem to involve more cellphones and social media.
Watch out
for these signs
spouse suddenly picks up unnecessary fights
He begins to drop a female name into his conversations
Talking about how “ugly” or “horrible” a certain woman as cover up
Suddenly changing a daily routine for no apparent reason
questions such as, “Do you think it’s possible to love more than one person at
a time?”
on the sofa some of the night
you two don’t go to bed together – and told not to wait up
to kiss you or accept your affection
your spouse buys new, sexy underwear and you never see it
Sudden interest in a different type
of music that they always hated before
your spouse avoids social events with you
they delete an email, phone call or message the minute it comes in
your spouse receives “mysterious” phone calls that don’t seem to make sense
they begin to keep a change of clothes hidden in the trunk of the car or office
you find credit card receipts for gifts you didn’t receive e.g. flours or
giving poor excuses for why they are not in the mood for sex
they have unexplained scratches or bruises on his or her neck or back
Statements you might hear: “We are just friends”. “I need you to
respect my privacy”. “I love you but I’m not in love with you”. And “I need
some space to figure out my feelings.”
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