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Mario Balotelli donates 50% of his salary to children in Africa

For the ones who do not know, Mario Balotelli is a football player, which represents Italy.  Maybe there`s something that you don...

For the ones who do not know, Mario Balotelli is a football player, which represents Italy. 

Maybe there`s something that you don`t know! He gives 50% of his salary to kids in Africa, which shows a little different personality from what I thought. 

He also said: "I am a naturalized italian, but I`m from Ghana. I was abandoned by my parents and adopted by two angels. I suffer with racism every day. I am the first black to wear the jersey of Italy. I`m not angry, but my life experiences make me act differently from other people. Then, try to learn more before you criticize me!". 

I didn`t know that he had awful life and he still has, for suffering racism each day. And when he cried in the Euro 2012 final, he showed some feelings too. After knowing all this, and the most important that he helps children with 50% of his salary, I will think twice before criticizing him.  

After all he`s a great person.

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