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The Rich, The Famous And The Corrupt Sportsmen

The world’s highest-valued sport teams are soccer clubs. While eight of the world’s twelve highest paid sports teams are soccer clubs.  ...

The world’s highest-valued sport teams are soccer clubs. While eight of the world’s twelve highest paid sports teams are soccer clubs. 

Real Madrid: $3.26 billion is their total value

Barcelona: It is valued at a whopping $3.16 billion

Manchester United: Estimated to be worth $3.1 billion

New York Yankees: The baseball team is valued at $2.5 billion

Dallas Cowboys: At number five, the American football squad is valued at $2.13 billion

And now the accolades, goes to...

$174 692: This sum is the average weekly pay package for players at Paris Saint-German football club

$79.6 million: The estimated personal wealth of the world’s highest-paid footballer, Ronaldo

$2.6 billion: FIFA profit from the 2014 world Cup in Brazil

$1.4 billion: The amount in FIFA’s emergency cash reserve fund

$150 million: The amount in bribes 14 senior FIFA officials are accused of taking over the past 20 years. – GQ and Online Sources

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