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Beware Of ‘Condom Preachers’ Who Can Blow Your Faith Away

HARARE – Condoms have recently found themselves on the pulpit, with one preacher ‘anointing’ them, resulting in a stamped as women congrega...

HARARE – Condoms have recently found themselves on the pulpit, with one preacher ‘anointing’ them, resulting in a stamped as women congregates collected them for their bedrooms. 

A condom is a barrier method of contraception – it also protects users from sexually transmitted diseases.


So, do these sexual items have a place in church? Or, can one be labeled as having ‘condom brains?’

Moreover, can condoms be anointed?

Enter ‘Prophet’ Paul Sanyangore
‘Prophet’ Paul Sanyangore claims to be a servant of God.

Beware Of ‘Condom Preachers’ Who Can Blow Your Faith Away
His origins are traced to Mbare – Harare’s oldest suburb. Recently, he relocated to a venue closer to Prophet Walter Magaya – another gospel magnet drawing in excess of 50 000 congregates per service.

The move initiated a confrontational gossip within the Christian community. This was just the beginning.

Sanyangore then moved to ‘anoint condoms’. His competitors had produced ‘anointed everything from bracelets, water and oil.’

And they were gaining fame – his was waning. So he plotted his next miracle.

His defence for the controversial move was. “This woman came to a spiritual church and came to me to pray for her condoms. I can only tackle it spiritually.

The church is the best social place to discuss these issues. I am tired of burying people who are dying of Aids. I have buried 10 so far, imagine by the time I get to 50.”

He furthered that condoms were physical and when he prayed he was addressing the spiritual side.

At this rate, some doubt if he will reach that age.

Genuine Or Fake?
Prophet Walter Magaya 

30-year-old Sanyangore boasts of a 5 000 strong following. With the massive church hopping culture prevalent in Harare, he is set to pilfer more worshipers from other churches.

Recently, his condom move came under scrutiny at the International Conference on Aids and STIs in Africa (ICASA).

“Please stop praying for the condoms, it misinforms the public and is totally against science. Condoms should not be anointed. It sends a very skewered message,” said a United Nations expert.

Was this an act of a desperate individual with a condom brain or even seeking fame at the wrong platform utilising a totally skewed instrument.

And when everything is being anointed, then what about condoms?

‘Anointed Dolls Hoax’
Elusive prophet Eurbert Angel is rumored to have launched his brand of ‘anointed dolls’ targeting the European market – his new base. This could be an attempt to imitate the famous Barbie dolls.
'Anointed Dolls' Were Also On Offer 

However, the claims have been watered down after he disowned the project closely linked to idolatry. Angel is known for his involvement in ‘miracle money’ together with Emanuel Makandiwa.

According to publications, the controversial preacher claimed that “if Zimbabwean tabloids had been around during times of Jesus Christ, He (Jesus) would be making headlines daily.

His blasphemous statements did not halt there.

“I’m not bothered by people calling me controversial because the Lord I preach, Jesus I believe in and the Bible has many controversies. I believe it is the times we are preaching that I have such a tag.”

Non-Believer’s Word
By claiming that “Jesus birth alone was controversial, coming out of a virgin,” it reveals his doubts for the source of miracles that he claims to perform.

One observer opined: “The teaching of anointed water, oils, pens, condoms, miracle babies, miracle abortions and so forth is a mere abuse of the Lord’s anointing and over spiritualising things.”

A condom brain can restrict salvation.

Prophet Sanyangore 

“We need to balance what we teach and give congregates a spiritual diet that addresses every aspect of their lives, spirit, soul and body,” a pastor wrote. – The Aloe News

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