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Help Kick Out Drug And Alcohol Abuse For A Clean Generation

HARARE – For fifteen years, I was an unrepentant alcoholic. My life was stagnant, watching friends dying due to substance abuse. My existe...

HARARE – For fifteen years, I was an unrepentant alcoholic. My life was stagnant, watching friends dying due to substance abuse.

My existence virtually revolved on getting high or trying to get sober.

Contrary, this furthered my problems.

In 2012, I finally quit the bottle. I have been sober for three years, though temptations still exist.
Help Kick Out Drug And Alcohol Abuse For A Clean Generation

Wasted Generation
Sadly, today, we watch helplessly as youths struggle with drug addiction. The supplier could be your friend. It is not criminal, they are victims.

Illicit brew has taken lives hostage. Young lives are being wasted daily. And this has motivated me to launch this campaign through – a platform to air pertinent views.

This problem has affected you somehow. If so, please inform us.

Tell us through, what you are doing as communities, churches or individuals to address this problem. We are ready to publish your activities to fight addiction.

Words by Derick Matsengarwodzi: Media consultant, Author Of Forthcoming Books (The Winners’ Workshop and Death is Not Dearth) and Founder of Aloe Media Group. 
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