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Prophet Magaya And Makandiwa 'Church Matrimony' Coming Soon

HARARE - A proposed twin church service combining Prophetic Healing and Deliverance (PHD) leader Prophet Walter Magaya and United Family In...

HARARE - A proposed twin church service combining Prophetic Healing and Deliverance (PHD) leader Prophet Walter Magaya and United Family International Church (UFIC) leader Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa has sent the Christian community in Harare drooling. 

The amalgamated service, if agreed on is slotted for next year.

Prophet Magaya announced his will while to UFIC church members during his visit to the church’s service. Observers say Prophet Magaya's visit was meant to thaw steaming sour relations that existed between the two magnetic preachers. 

Prophet Walter Magaya
“My prayer and wish is to have a combined all-night service with Prophet Makandiwa. Imagine Prophet Makandiwa doing his own thing while I do mine at the same venue." 

However, the teething challenge remains the venue to host multitudes of fans anticipated at such a gathering. Currently, Prophet Magaya draws 50 000 congregates per service, while Prophet Makandiwa attracted 150 000 people for his yearly convention.

Prophet Magaya said he appreciated Prophet Makandiwa for laying the ground work which made it easier for those in the prophetic calling to get recognition.

“I thank God for such an opportunity and want to thank Prophet Makandiwa for pioneering the prophetic ministry under harsh social conditions," Prophet Magaya was quoted by the Herald.

Despite his glowing praise, the sour relations between the two remains.
Prophet Emanuel Makandiwa
Differences between the two charismatic prophets ignited when Prophet Makandiwa appeared to be directing attacks on Prophet Magaya accusing him of being behind an advertisement that appeared in the media. 

The ads congratulated the UFIC leader for coming third on the list of most influential people under the age of 40 in Zimbabwe.

“I am not seeing any fight happening because I am not part of the fight. I strongly believe that our enemy wanted to confuse the two of us,” Magaya said.

During the visit, Prophet Makandiwa asked the congregants to pray for Prophet Magaya and his ministry. 

Prophet Uebert Angel
“I salute the action that the man of God Prophet Magaya has taken. Its just an act of love. If there is no love we are just lying to ourselves. We just want to thank the action taken of coming to see us and just be a blessing to us.” 

Prophet Makandiwa allegiance with fugitive Prophet Uebert Angel ended bitterly after counter accusations arose. Previously, the duo shared the stage administering miracles, including the controversial 'miracle money'. - The Aloe News/The Herald

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