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'Many Leaders Will Fall Or Die In 2016'

The year 2016 will be one of strange things. The Lord says that many leaders will fall, some will die - leaders who have not accepted God&#...

The year 2016 will be one of strange things. The Lord says that many leaders will fall, some will die - leaders who have not accepted God's will - nation leaders, business leaders, even church leaders. For a great fear shall come upon the whole Earth. Nation will war against nation, and religion against religion. 

Through Prophetess Doris Hutchinson, Apostle Steve Lyston, Prophetess Michelle Lyston, Prophetess Sophia DiMuccio, Prophet O. Onesto Jolly and Prophet David Benoit.

The Church will have no choice but to wake up. God has been warning many leaders and nations to turn to Him, but they have not heeded His voice. The year 2016 is going to be one with war and violence and deception for many. It will be a year of great reaping: Whatever you have sown, you will reap - good or bad.
Prophetess Michelle Lyston 
The number 16 symbolises new beginnings, love, birth, judge/judgement, law, rising of the youth. It is the year of the supernatural. It is also the year of Josiah, Joseph, and Daniel. Watch these words: covenant breaker, loving kindness.

The year 2016 brings us closer to the last days of history for all human beings on the face of the Earth. Friends, there will be great changes on Earth and in the sea and skies.

It is the beginning of a seven-year cycle of famine for many nations; seven years of plenty for some. It is also a year of great grace, favour, and salvation. Many will come to the Lord in 2016. I hear the sound of the abundance of rain for the faithful ones!

It is going to be a year of surprises! Many companies will not survive without good marketing tactics and strategies. While the banks will be coming together to impose stringent measures on the people, there is going to be a shaking up in the banking industry. 

The fear of God shall return to the Church, and God shall deal with leaders in 2016, and the judgement will start in the House of God!
Apostle Lyston 
Obadiah 15-16: "God's righteous order will be demonstrated within the earth. What each nation sows, that shall they reap."

A wind of change will blow throughout the globe in four areas:

1) Great migration and exodus

2) Invasion and occupation among nations

3) Plagues and diseases

4) Spiritual revival and a changing of the guard.

God wants all airlines worldwide, pilots, security, ground staff, and flight attendants to check everything 100 per cent before take-off! Check planes, baggage, everything thoroughly! Take heed of this warning. - The Jamaican Gleaner 

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