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Rapist Says Thank You To His Victim!

One minute she was looking for her bus ticket in her bag and the next she was being raped in the bush. The worst part was when he was done...

One minute she was looking for her bus ticket in her bag and the next she was being raped in the bush.

The worst part was when he was done, the rapist helped her to her feet and thanked her!

The victim said she was walking to the bus stop at about 4am last Friday when she was attacked.

“I was busy searching for my ticket in my bag when a red Citi Golf stopped in front of me.

“The man driving it offered me a lift. I declined but before I knew it the man had opened his door and pulled me inside,” she said.

The 31-year-old from Temba, near Hammanskraal in Tshwane, said the attacker hit her on the head with the back of his gun and she soon lost consciousness. 

When she woke up, she was lying in the bushes near Babelegi Industries.
Rape Victim 

“He took off the blouse I was wearing and blindfolded me with it before raping me,” said the devastated woman.

She said during the ordeal, she noticed her attacker was very relaxed and not violent, as if he was used to what he was doing.

“As I lay there, I kept thinking: this man is going to kill me when he is done,” she recalled.

But the rapist then told her he would spare her life, unlike his other three victims.

He helped her to her feet, thanked her for her co-operation and walked her to a safe place.
Rape Victims Must Try To Remember Details About Their Attacker 

“He told me to run and not look back. This is a sick man. My hope is that after hearing my story, other women will be careful.

“Evil lurks everywhere,” she said.

Temba police spokesman, Constable Herman Moremi, said a case of rape was opened but no arrest has been made.

Moremi advised victims to try and memorise identifying details of their attackers. - Daily Sun 

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