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Why Your Nipples Are Darker Than The Rest Of Your Skin?

Have you ever wondered why some parts of your body are different colours - perhaps not because its not that important - maybe. Why, for ex...

Have you ever wondered why some parts of your body are different colours - perhaps not because its not that important - maybe.

Why, for example, are our nipples and genitals different colours to the rest of us? And does this serve any purpose?

The answers appears to be no, a dermatologist recently explained. 

A dermatologist at Columbia University Medical Center in New York said that the change is down to a combination of two things: melanin and hormones.

When a human hits puberty, the spike in oestrogen and testosterone caused the body to create melanin – the amino acid which also gives the colour to our hair.
Some Body Parts Are Darker Than Others

This makes the p.enis, nipples, areolas, and labia turn darker a darker colour. The phenomenon is also why children who have blonde hair become brunettes as they grow older.

A woman’s skin can also become darker during pregnancy for similar reason, particularly around the areolas. Moles and freckles often become a more intense shade, while fewer women will experience chloasma which affects the forehead, cheeks and neck.

But Dr Bordone warned that darker skin is also a symptom of diabetes.

This condition is known as acanthosis nigricans - and sees a person developing darker areas on the sides of the neck, armpits and groin. - Mail Online 

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