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Oprah Winfrey, John Legend And More Celebs Praise Chris Rock For Hosting The Oscars

Chris Rock had the very tough job of hosting the Academy Awards on Feb. 28. Luckily, he had nothing but support from his fellow stars, host...

Chris Rock had the very tough job of hosting the Academy Awards on Feb. 28. Luckily, he had nothing but support from his fellow stars, hosts and comedians – and he totally killed it. 

We’re not the only ones who thought Chris Rock, 51, killed it hosting the Oscars for the first time on Feb. 28. Stars are coming out in droves to show support for the comedian by tweeting messages of excitement, best wishes, and congratulations. 
Chris Rock 

Chris totally had his work cut out for him hosting the Academy Awards on Feb. 28. This may have been the hardest show to host of all time thanks to the controversial #OscarsSoWhite movement. 

As an African American, he faced a lot of pressure to refuse to host the predominantly whitewashed awards show, but he stuck to his guns and made the most of his stint as host.

Chris managed to be funny and lighthearted while being political and hard-hitting at the same time, and it was a total grand slam. Chris addressed the issue of the nominees lacking diversity by poking fun at the films and the Academy, but he also went after people boycotting the show (like Will Smith and Jada) just because they weren’t nominated.
Will Smith And Wife Boycotted The Oscars 

His much anticipated monologue clearly took a lot of work and a lot of deep thought, but it definitely paid off. Fans and stars alike loved the topical speech. 

Several former hosts, powerful African American celebrities and other comedians shared their undying support on Twitter before, during, and after the show. - Online Sources 

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