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Partying Till Death: Students Die At Drug Party

Durban - Two school students from KwaMashu in KZN have died and 32 been hospitalised after taking an unknown drug during a party last weeke...

Durban - Two school students from KwaMashu in KZN have died and 32 been hospitalised after taking an unknown drug during a party last weekend.

A team of social workers had been sent to help the affected families and to visit those in hospital, social development MEC Weziwe Thusi said.

No further details were immediately available. “We want to understand what happened to ensure that we do everything in our power to avoid a repeat. We also want to assist the families in dealing with this tragedy,” Thusi said.
Drug Abuse Is Rife In South African Communities 

She called on parents to monitor their children closely and look out for strange behaviour. Drug-induced fun would lead to tragedy.

She said she was shocked by what had happened, given the constant warnings about the dangers of drug abuse and substance abuse awareness programmes at local schools.

She said the local drug action committee in KwaMashu was functional and would hold its monthly meeting on Wednesday. - Daily Sun 

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