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Prophet Uebert Angel Linked To World’s Richest Family

Harare - Speculation surrounds the agenda of Uebert Angel’s meeting with the family thought to be controlling world economies.  Angel who...

Harare - Speculation surrounds the agenda of Uebert Angel’s meeting with the family thought to be controlling world economies. 

Angel who is said to be secretly spreading his business tentacles has caused a stir in the social and business circles, when photo’s of him with the Rothschild family started circulating recently. While the move is being interpreted as controversial in some circles its is also said to be one of his best business moves ever.

The Zimbabwean born- British national who has a vast business portfolio which includes property investment and real estate construction, was recently seen in the company of a member of the Rothschild’s family at what is thought to be the residence of one of the Rothschild heirs, Nat Rothschild, who is also a billionaire in his own right.
Uebert Angel And The Late Nelson Mandela

Details of Angel’s meeting with the Rothschilds were not made available due to the media blackout policy which Angel is said to have adopted possibly due to “lies” that other media outlets have been accused of writing about him.

Quizzed over this issue Uebert Angel’s spokesman, Rikki Doolan was not very forthcoming, saying: “Unfortunately all I can tell you is the Mr Angel was honoured to have met the Heir to the Rothschilds, thank you”.

The Rothschild family is believed collectively to be the wealthiest family in the world with projected worth about US$500 billion. The family’s wealth originates back to Mayer Amschel, who founded the banking house in the late 1700s in Frankfurt, Germany.

He began his career as a coin dealer but rose to become a court banker, building his fortune around the time of the French Revolution. His five sons all went on to become a part of his growing empire.

Reasons for meeting Angel are not known but due to the conspiracy theories surrounding the Rothschild’s family such as the widely held belief that they control government, and they bought the Jewish nation, and that they control who comes into power in 80 percent of the world, some even believe that the Rothschild are Illuminati.
Nat Rothschild

It remains a mystery how Angel knows these people who are said to be clouded in secrecy and rarely seen with anyone. It should also be noted that much of Angel’s businesses and his dealings have remained secret however, much focus has been on his Ministry (Church) which his spokesman says the media has erroneously targeted as the source of his income.

However, a closer look shows the vast links Angel has created in all spheres of life breaking religious cultural and the racial divide have made him the man he is financially.

The businessman and philanthropist who leads The Angel Organisation, Lion Crest and Spirit Embassy The GoodNews Church, has been doing a lot for the under privileged through the Uebert Angel Foundation (UAF), which is focused on eradicating poverty and improving the education prospects of thousands of young people in the developing world.

One prominent businessman who commented when he saw the picture of Angel with the Rothschild said: “I don’t care what paid media tries to portray about this young man but I can tell you I admire Angel’s business moves. He is a financial genius”. - Financial Gazette

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