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Who Is Who In Zimbabwe’s New Political Party – Zim People First?

Harare – The addition of yet another political formation into Zimbabwe’s politics has unbolted an interesting rift within the existing poli...

Harare – The addition of yet another political formation into Zimbabwe’s politics has unbolted an interesting rift within the existing political matrix of the southern African state.

After a decade serving as a political stakeholder in Zanu Pf, Joice Mujuru, 60, the leader of Zimbabwe People First – ZimPF left her former party she had identified with since her childhood.

It is the same party that fetched her fame after it was reported she gunned down a war plane, earning further badges in the war. 

However, this epic act has been perforated by her former comrades. Despite this, she has become a ‘Die Hard’ in Zimbabwe’s political arena.
Morgan Tsvangirai, Solom Mujuru (Late) And Joice Mujuru 

Her path to launching a fresh political gathering was via disgruntlement – a common denominator for most of her allies. She was expelled from Zanu PF on April 2, 2015 – even though she maintains that she left at her own accord.

She vacated her lofty party post with three serious allegations of assassination, corruption and witchcraft hanging over her.

Extravagant with words
Independent Zimbabwe’s first Speaker of Parliament, Didymus Mutasa is a man who is extravagant with his diction.

“We would be better off with only six million people, with our own people who supported the liberation struggle. We don't want all these extra people."

He said this in 2012. On December 8, 2014, his association with the party ceased after his links to Mujuru were exposed. His bizarre hoax involving a witch doctor and discovery of refined diesel gushing from a rock in Chinhoyi still stinks after his demise.
Didymus Mutasa And Joice Mujuru

And in relation to land reform, he quipped.

“The position is that food shortages or no food shortages, we are going ahead to remove the remaining whites. Too many blacks are still clamoring for land and we will resettle them on the remaining farms.”

Mutasa is deeply related with the infamous Operation Murambatsvina (clean up) in May 2005 which left multitudes homeless.

A statement dedicated to President Robert Mugabe ultimately sealed Mutasa’s fate.

“A stupid fool cannot be corrected. There is nothing you can do to a straying grey ass. We have no time for individuals of little brains, disorganised, mentally deranged if not close to being insane.”

Godfather of succession
Dzikamai Mavhaire, arguably the grandmaster of Zimbabwe’s secessionist politics has been demoted from Zanu PF twice on similar allegations. 

Mavhaire was Masvingo’s resident minister in the 1980s until 1997 when his was dismissed for his “Mugabe must go” mantra, swapping his political role to become a fruit vendor.

He later bounced back as Energy Minister. But his comeback only lasted few years.
Dzikamai Mavhaire 

When he eventually departed, his past was laden with corruption scandals plus allegations of plotting to unseat President Mugabe. 

The expulsion avalanche which claimed Mavhaire’s scalp also swept away six other heavyweights.

Singing the blues
Sylvester Nguni will serve as the Personal Assistant to Joice Mujuru. His entry into politics came after a stint in the private sector and Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe.

WikiLeaks in 2011 attributed that Nguni had approached the US embassy while Deputy Minister of Agriculture and advised that he “saw no evidence of policy shifts in ZANU-PF and suggested that the ruling party would eventually surrender economic policy to MDC in a face-saving move out of desperation.”

Nguni's son is a musician. 
Rugare Gumbo 

Other ZimPF members include: Bright Matonga, Colonel Claudius Makova (Retired), Lieutenant Colonel Kudzai Mbudzi (Retired), Kudakwashe Bhasikiti, Ambassador John Mvundura and Brigadier Elliot Kasi (Retired).

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