Your v.agina is always telling you something, but you don't always have to be alarmed. Musky What it means: Your v.agina is healthy. ...
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Your v.agina is always telling you something, but you don't always have to be alarmed.
MuskyWhat it means: Your v.agina is healthy. The musky smell is caused by the sweat glands in your nether region.
What it means: You just had your period or contact with s.emen. The change of pH causes the scent. This should be temporary. (If not, see your doctor.)
What it means: You might have bacterial v.aginosis. It's a type of vaginal inflammation from the overgrowth of bacteria in your vagina. It can be caused by unprotected s.ex or frequent douching. Treatment: Antibiotics. (Although bacterial va.ginosis can go away without any treatment, it's best to consult your gyne.)
What it means: You might have a yeast infection. Yeast infections are very common. They're not usually serious, but they can bother you. Your vagina feels itchy or sore. Some women have a thick, clumpy, white, and odorless discharge when they have a yeast infection.
Know Your Body |
Treatment: Vaginal or oral medicine. Consult your gyne. Only use non-prescription vaginal yeast infection medication without a doctor's diagnosis if you:
- are not pregnant
- are sure you have a yeast infection
- haven't been exposed to a sexually transmitted infection
- are not having multiple, recurrent infections
What it means: Trichomoniasis a s.exually transmitted disease, and the most curable STD in young, sexually active women. It usually comes with a yellow green, frothy vaginal discharge. You experience painful urination, va.ginal itching, and a very rare case of lower abdominal pain.
(These symptoms appear within five to 28 days of exposure). Treatment: Antibiotics. Consult your gyne. While you're getting treated for trich, make sure you avoid sex until your treatment is finished and the symptoms have gone.
Onion or garlic
What it means: You ate pungent food. Within 24 to 48 hours of eating pungent food, your discharge should be back to normal. Treatment: Take a bath. Wash your vagina with a gentle feminine wash.
What it means: You ate citric fruits. Oranges, pineapples, and other citric fruits can sweeten the smell (and taste) of your va.gina.
Something rotten
What it means: You forgot to remove your tampon. Treatment: See your doctor immediately. Remember: The urethra, the vagina, the vulva, and the anus are close together in women. Sometimes what you smell may not even come from your va.gina; you might be smelling your urine or your feaces.
Onion or garlic
What it means: You ate pungent food. Within 24 to 48 hours of eating pungent food, your discharge should be back to normal. Treatment: Take a bath. Wash your vagina with a gentle feminine wash.
What it means: You ate citric fruits. Oranges, pineapples, and other citric fruits can sweeten the smell (and taste) of your va.gina.
Something rotten
What it means: You forgot to remove your tampon. Treatment: See your doctor immediately. Remember: The urethra, the vagina, the vulva, and the anus are close together in women. Sometimes what you smell may not even come from your va.gina; you might be smelling your urine or your feaces.
In any case, when you've been smelling something funky, consult your doctor. - Online Sources
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