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Bedroom Stamina: How Long is S.ex Actually Supposed to Last?

How long is s.ex actually supposed to last? You hear all the stories about the time it was over in under a minute (better luck next time) -...

How long is s.ex actually supposed to last? You hear all the stories about the time it was over in under a minute (better luck next time) - and then there's the type where it's an hours-long session and you wonder where people get their stamina.

But science has clarified this one for us. Because one particular psychologist has dedicated a large chunk of his professional life to studying how long heterose.xual couples tend to have penetrative s.ex for. 
How Long is Your Bedroom Bliss? 

Defining 's.ex' as the time from penetration to ejaculation, psychologist Dr. Brendan Zietsch from the University of Queensland politely asked 500 couples from all around the world to invite a stopwatch into the bedroom across a four-week period, documenting exactly how long it lasted.

And the results were, shall we say...varied. With timings ranging between anything from 33 seconds to 44 minutes. Dr. Zietsch took an average of the couples' results, and it worked out to be 5.4 minutes. Which somehow seems a little less than you'd think, but then both time and context escape you when you're in the throes of being penetrated, don't they?

Where you are in the world didn't seem to have much of an impact in the duration intercourse, although you'd think in countries where it was baking they'd have a much shorter stamina. But the exception to that was couples from Turkey with their average time coming in at a notably shorter 3.7 minutes.

Age was obviously a factor, with younger couples managing to last for longer. But what's perhaps most interesting is why we last the amount of time we do. Apparently, it's all to do with the shape of the p.enis. - Online Sources 

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