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First Cut: Common Things Guys Lie About on Your First Date

It's our way of ordering a burger without having you think we eat junk all the time - which we may or may not do - but statistically sp...

It's our way of ordering a burger without having you think we eat junk all the time - which we may or may not do - but statistically speaking, we probably eat garbage.

Oh yeah, I watch Scandal too
No guy loves Scandal. Guys love being able to connect with you on a first date though.

What that sentence really means is, "My ex-girlfriend used to make me watch Scandal but I don't want to bring her up."
Things Guys Lie About on Your First Date 

I've never been here before
He brought his last Tinder date here.

I've only had two drinks
Here, at the restaurant. But he had three back home to loosen up.

You need to see Star right now
OK, you do need to see Star Wars, but that's not the point. He just wants to get you back to his place for a movie. It's a move.

I'm not cold
He's cold. He's totally cold. He just wants to look like a kind of cool when he gives you his coat or hoodie or sleeveless vest or whatever he wears.

I was at the gym today - and...
Honestly, fifty-fifty shot that this is true, but he's definitely making sure you know he works out.

I don't go on many dates
Maybe he doesn't - but maybe he does. But he's definitely downplaying the number of dates (or "dates") he goes on. This is all assuming this comes up in conversation, you weirdos.

My whole family is great
Everyone, everyone, has a black sheep in the family.

My last serious girlfriend was about a year ago
It was probably more like a week.

No, I can totally get the check
He wants you to split it. Secretly, in his heart, he wants you to split it.

Work is going great
No sane person is going to rant about work on their first date. He's holding back.

Oh, my last breakup was totally mutual
No breakup is mutual. At the very least, one of them brought it up first. But your first date isn't the time to bring up the fact that he stalked his ex for six months or that he still has a scar from when she stabbed him, so...

Yeah, I've got a pretty busy weekend ahead
If he says he has nothing going on, you're going to think he's a loser with no friends. His only option is to feign a packed schedule. Plus, it makes him harder to pin down again. - Online Sources 

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