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Venomous Admission: ‘I was Initiated into Witchcraft by Wild Snakes’

Harare – At the pinnacle of his evil endeavours, former witchdoctor from Honde Valley , Gorden Gambe, 60 – used to clock 30 minutes only fr...

Harare – At the pinnacle of his evil endeavours, former witchdoctor from Honde Valley, Gorden Gambe, 60 – used to clock 30 minutes only from Zimbabwe to Malawi in a winnowing basket.

In a recent testimony recorded by media, the now atoned man discloses how he was initiated into witchcraft by cobras – then boiled in a drum of water with assorted herbs in Malawi for three consecutive hours.

Derick Matsengarwodzi
The ordeal never scarred his body – even the snake bites were harmless – actually the water he was immersed in cooled down though it was on fire.
Traditional Healer at Work 

Soon after the bizarre procedure, he reveals that he became possessed with healing powers that would earn him an infamous reputation within his community and outside.

“I became a popular healer in southern Africa and beyond. I had very few competitors – and I gave any type of potions, including harmful ones. I could cause a tree to dry instantly by summoning serpentine and marine spirits.”

The old man asserts there is no traditional medicine he does not know. And in a bid to prop his medicinal influence, he visited Malawi where he was initiated by big snakes.

“Soon after, I could travel across nations in just minutes – and few would know of my evil escapades. I assisted more than 400 famous people from Zimbabwe alone in various ways,” he reveals.

Since 1969 – the old-timer healer declares there is a thin line between a witchdoctor and a witch because he even induced his evil magic to cause harm to some people – while he made others to prosper.

“I could induce lightning strikes, central locking system on adulterous couples as part of my treatments. Also, I could read my clients’ minds before they even visited me courtesy of my three walking sticks so that I would source the right treatments.

He reveals that to travel in a winnowing basket, he swallowed a mixture of herbs induced by the whirlwind. If one breaks any laws, he could fall off and die instantly.

After 47 years, Gambe has finally retired his flying antics.

“He repented into Christianity and we burnt all his tools of the devil’s trade including, snake skins, spears and clay pots at our church,” mentioned Pastor Farai Rukweza, founder of Power of the Holy Spirit Ministries International.

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